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Jungkook and taehyung ve been married for five yrs now, although it was an arranged marriage, they never knew it was what they needed at that time.


Flashback to six yrs ago

January 1st 2021

taehyung has the CEO of Kim corp, just, lost his wife in an accident , with a little kid left behind to take care of, although the accident was unexpected and suddenly, taehyung knew she was going to leave sooner or later.
Why? , Cause she is suffering from leukemia, the last stage of it.
She wasn't meant to be outside then, she was meant to stay in bed and rest, and not do anything at all till she uses the last six months of her life, but she is stubborn, she is so very stubborn, that if you tell her not to do this within a minute or two she will do it with no remorse,

A phone call came in today from her parents side, which says that, her mom broke a leg while practicing for the yearly oldies festival dance she always attends once a year, the shit her mother always participate into,

Receiving the call she rushed off from her sick bed to go and meet her, even when taehyung told her not to, why?, cause her bastard of a father threatened her that if she doesn't appear to check on her mother, that she should stop calling her dad, even when he knows that she is a vegetable herself,

Can't the mother wait, and use some God damn crushes to walk for a god damn month, then use a fucking wheel chair to come and check on their daughter, the next month or something.

If you asked taehyung, he never really liked her or her family, he sees them as some God damn barbaric Voldemort clown, with no headlight on where to go to in their life's.

( Sorry just decided to put in a big English word or something, well you're going to see a lot of shit like this 😂😂😂😂😂😂)

Well, due to her being sick or something, taehyung told her not to go that night,
Maybe she should go another day, but due to her stubbornness and the angels not wanting her to survive, she left that night and never came back again, she got a free ticket to heaven or maybe hell who knows.

Their marriage was a forced contract marriage, you know the type of where CEO forced poor girl to marry him, well that not it for him, we can call taehyung the poor girl,or maybe guy who knows, and the dead bitch the CEO or maybe the villain of his life.

Why ?

Taehyung was the rich playboy/ hot jock of his college life, while the bitch, was his obsessed crazy psychopathic,pls notice me fan, you know the saeseng type of fan, yep she stalks taehyung everyday of his life,

When he finds out about her, taehyung called the cops on her but she was released not even twenty four hours later, why?, Cause she is the god damn big daddy's daughter.

Want to know who big daddy is, yep you got it right, he was the most notorious, crazy bitchy Mafia father of her's
Hearing that she's been released taehyung straight out went to court to get a restraining order against her, which saves him from her in the remaining two yrs of his college life

It's was the time of his graduation, taehyung was waiting just like other for his parents to come and get his certificate, for the business shit he studied through years for them, but they never came.

Finding it strange that they couldn't make it to his graduation,as they never missed anything that has to do with his life, taehyung decided to go check up on them

Reaching the Kim mansion, he went inside finding nobody around not even their maids, and they have like a lot, a lot of it, at least a hundred of maids,

That brought a weird feeling into him, but he chose to go into the house and check what happening,

After getting into the house, he shouted for his mom and dad, but got no answer, he called out his head maid and head butler's name but no answer.

While still shouting for their names, he saw drop of blood on the stairs of their home, going through it , he followed the blood stains and find out that it stops right in front of his room,

Hurriedly opening the door, he entered into it and saw his head bodyguard, namjoon laying unconscious on the floor, with a gun shot wound right on his upper arm.

He hurriedly took out his phone to call an ambulance for him and maybe get some information from him about what happened here , when he opens his eyes.

After calling the ambulance and keeping his phone back into his pocket, he searched around namjoon body may be he could found some clues

After searching for sometime, he found something, he found a paper which got a red ink on it that says IF YOU WANT YOUR FAMILY AND YOUR 99 MAIDS BACK, call this line : xxxxxxxxxxx

Alongside a little jokers and cruchella or is it coechella's laugh taehyung doesn't know, all he just remember is that the HA HA HA HA HA clownery laugh belongs to both of them.

Well he knows that she doesn't deserve to be those two heroes, well taehyung calls them hero, what he believes her to be is that stupid small baby,with that big eyes deep thingy, and the god damn nasty hair from the 80's that always scares him and his brother , what was she called again, anabella or Anabelle, or is it anafoshy, taehyung doesn't know again.

Hearing the sound of the ambulance right outside of his home brought taehyung out of his deep thoughts.

He hurriedly rushed downstairs to take the parademics, or officers of the hospital,or whatever they are called inside the house

( well when I wrote parademics the shit brought the red wrong lining shit on it so we're going to go with hospital officers, hope you don't mind 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃)

After getting them inside, he took them into his room, to check on namjoon, they hurriedly took namjoon into the ambulance van and drove off, why two stays behind to ask him some questions, he told them whatever shit he know minus the letters,

Taehyung couldn't help but ask them if they're going to walk to the hospital,or are planning to stay here with him

Well the two hospital officers, shamelessly told him that they are planning to stay in his house with him, cause they believe he will be scared and that they ve never been into such a grand house before

well he doesn't blame them, cause he knows his family is one heck of a rich bastard

Well you got it right, the hospital officers ,is no one else but Jin and jimin

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2022 ⏰

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