Chapter 6 ISAAC ✔️

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This will be the first time we actually get to see things from Issac's POV.

I'm ready to know what he's thinking aren't you?




Well, that was completely unexpected. I think getting into my car.

I knew that the first time we would meet would be awkward, but that went nothing like the total disaster I had pictured it being in my head.

Sierra is even more beautiful in person and is so unlike any girl I have ever met before. She is the complete opposite of the women, Mother tries to constantly set me up with.

Her dress was wrinkled, her hair was a mess, she had no makeup or fancy jewelry, and she actually ate! And she didn't seem to care about any of it; she was just perfectly happy and comfortable with who she is, and that was... well, that is extremely intriguing, especially for someone who was raised the way I was.

My upbringing most would describe as privileged, I would describe it as hell.
My father owns and runs the largest hotel chain in the U.S., and my mother, well, she is what we refer to as "old money" and she fancies herself a socialite. Between growing up with the two of them it's a wonder I didn't have the stick up my ass that they do, particularly her. Dad goes along with whatever she wants and doesn't say much but in her perfect little world people like Sierra have no place, I don't have a place in her world, but fortunately I am nothing like either of them and I am already imagining her having a place in mine.

I knew there was a reason I had picked her-why she stood out head and shoulders above the rest of them-and now I know what it is. She is head and shoulders above the others in every aspect, that much I can already tell and I can't wait to get the chance to know more about her.

Her friend, Crystal-boy, she is something. I have encountered a few overly enthusiastic fans before, but she had to have been the most excited to see me. I can't believe she recognized me so easily. I didn't really try to disguise my appearance; I just took a few measures to blend in and not easily stand out. I was actually more concerned with someone recognizing me as "The Richmond's" son than I was with "Isaac the novelist".

It was nice to actually have someone recognize me for me. It was also good to see that she was there to try to protect her friend. There are not too many people with that kind of balls these days. The girl had no idea what she was walking into, and she didn't seem to care; she was here solely to ensure Sierra's safety, completely disregarding her own.

She seemed pleased with the little note I wrote with her autograph. I immediately pegged her as an Under Cover fan. It isn't my most popular book, but she struck me as a David Tyler kind of girl, and based on her reaction to it, I guess I was right. And it made me happy to make her happy.

The only thing that really struck me as concerning about our meeting was Sierra, and the way she ate. I'm not talking about the fact that she clearly enjoyed her meal; it was more the fact that she seemed like she was afraid because she didn't know when her next one would be.

Even though she insisted it was ok, I bought her several items off the menu that she could eat now or save for later. I don't know what her situation is exactly, but I do know by her own admission that she is unemployed, and regardless of whatever transpires, I'm not about to let someone potentially go without if I can do something to help.

I sit back in the seat, my hands on the wheel, thinking everything over. I do still have two more women to meet tomorrow, but after meeting with Sierra I am beginning to wonder what the point of even following through with those meetings is.

I don't know exactly what it is about her, but I don't think that I will change my mind, even if I meet with a hundred more women.

I scroll through the contacts on my phone and hit the numbers of the two other ladies, sending the same copy-and-paste message to both of them, letting them know that the position has been filled and I will not be needing to meet with them any longer.

Now there's just one more thing to decide. I think as I pull out of the parking lot.

And that is whether or not I should go ahead and let Sierra know or if I should wait a couple of days and let her think that I had gone through with meeting the others.

Just as I pull out and onto the road, my phone starts ringing.

It's mother. Great. Way to kill my good mood as always.

I love my mother, but she is not the person that I want to be talking to right now or anytime soon for that matter.

I can already tell you exactly what she is going to say, and there is not a single word of it that I am interested to hear.

"Isaac, have you decided to finally give up this whole writing nonsense and come work for your father?"
"Isaac, have you found someone suitable yet?"
"Isaac. Isaac. Isaac... blah blah blah. "

My head is already hurting just

thinking about it.
I guess I will have to decide what to do about Sierra later. I swipe my finger across the screen, answering the phone.

"What is it, Mother?" I answer, my tone accidentally showing more of my annoyance at her call than I had intended.

"Is that any way to address the woman who gave you life?" She scoffs.

You know how I said I love my mother, it is the truth, I do, but liking her is an entirely different story.

"Sorry." I say it half apologetically, rubbing my temples while I am still trying to steer.

"I was just wondering..."

Yep, here it goes. I sigh, shaking my already pounding head.


End of Chapter 6

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