Chapter 2

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Natsu and Gray were both extremely loved and doted upon by their parents though they were both brought up differently due to their different backgrounds. Natsu was taught how to become a servant like his father and Gray was taught how to manage his father's land once it was passed down on to him. However their teachings from Erza were completely equal. She taught them magic and she was very strict with them. But she could also be very loving and playful with them. As a matter of fact, when they were children, her house was the boys's favorite place to visit.

Her house was located in bayou but her area was quite lovely. It was a flat piece of land lined with blackberry patches, hedges, a creek, and a few sycamore trees, and plenty of flowers. Specifically magnolias which were her favorite. Her house was a cozy, red-brick cottage with a grey slate roof and one small chimney, and there were two little windows at the front. On either side of the house there was a wilderness of nettles and blackberry thorns and long brown grass. An enormous magnolia tree that stood overshadowing the house. It's massive spreading branches seemed to be enfolding and embracing the humble building, and perhaps hiding it as well from the rest of the world.

Animals were common visitors to Erza but they were the most unusual creatures. Small birds like starlings, nightingales, and sparrows that did not chirp but sang songs that imitated the tunes of instruments. Larger birds like herons which bore feathers of bright colors instead of just white or dull colors. And small mammals such as rabbits and squirrels who wore clothes and could walk on their hind legs. To most people such creatures would be alarming or ridiculous but to two little boys, they were the most astonishing animals ever.

But Erza herself was by far what they found to be the most lovely. She was many decades old but appeared no older than a woman in her late teens, she would sew the most magnificent gowns to wear, and her long scarlet hair was finer and more beautiful than crimson silk. And she had great wisdom and compassion to match her great beauty. She was probably the most favored of all Maakrov's grandchildren to the mortals without power because her of keen mind and good heart.

Though as much as the boys loved Erza, they weren't always patient with her.

"But Erza I don't want to stay inside and learn today." Natsu complained. "It's so sunny and warm, let's go fishing instead."

"Later." She insisted. "I have new lesson for you two and it's extremely important."

"What is it this time?" Gray asked.

"I'm going to teach you how to use magic to make it rain."

"No. Not today." Natsu begged. "Then we can't go fishing."

"It'll only be a short rain and there's plenty of crops around here who need it. That includes the ones on your father's land, Gray."

 "She's right." Gray agreed. "Father has been complaining about the earth being dry for too long."

"Exactly and with no crops, your father loses his fortune and without his fortune, he can't afford to keep Natsu's father as hired help. Now follow me."

She led the boys to the back of her house.

"You'll like this lesson anyway. It's actually pretty fun."

The boys only looked at her confused then watched as she pulled out a very large, feather, bed cover. 

"With this we'll make a nice spring rain." She declared.

"How so?" Natsu asked.

"Jump on and see."


"You heard me. Jump on it."

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