Can We Be Real ?

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Secret crush on you ep 5 starts from the Kung king game

I'm gonna mess around with everything here 😚😚😚😚

p.s series role name ( nuea , toh )

Real names ( Billy , Seng)

Nuea's POV

The dice was rolled and just my luck I got a chance to kiss Toh

Our friends pushed as closer together

Nuea: do you want to fold if you don't want to kiss me ?


I don't have any money with me

Nuea: are you sure ?

Toh: yes

His nervousness just made him even more cute

I cupped his cheek and lifted up his chin placing my thumb on his lips but as soon as I got closer, I removed my thumb and let my lips touch his

I savoured every feeling I could get from this kiss

I pulled out

Toh: I'll go take some more photos

He left before I spoke

He kept on taking photos with his camera

I kinda felt bad now

I know he likes someone else and it's not me but I had to let him know what he meant to me

I followed him and placed my arms around him

Nuea: Toh?

Toh: mmh?

Nuea: I'm sorry for what happened just now

Sky was looking at me, I couldn't avoid touching your lips this time

Toh: oh! That's totally fine, really

It was just a game anyway

I slowly let him go

Nuea: it was just a game to you ?

Toh: huh?

Nuea:  nothing

Let's just think you were kissing the person you like

Toh: right

The rest of the guys came back and I just excused myself no to bother them with their photography project being communication arts students after all

I went to my room that I shared with Toh and got freshened up

Director: cut !!!

Something is wrong with the camera here

Just take a break while I fix this

Billy : ok

Director : Seng come in here

the next scene needs the both of you so be near by

Seng : ok

The director and some crew left the room and I was left alone with Seng

I was just in my boxer briefs so I grabbed a robe from the bathroom and put it on

Seng : are you alright Billy ?

Billy: yeah why ?

He sat next to me on the bed

Seng: you look puzzled and stressed out

Like your keeping something and it's hurting you

Billy: how you know all that ?

Seng : coz I could feel it through everything you do especially when I'm next to you

Please don't hide it from me I can help you out

Billy: I'm not so sure

Seng: try me

I gently pulled his face close and kissed him with passion

I pulled out soon and dropped my hand from his face

Billy : I told you

You can't help me

I got up and went to the bathroom

Seng: you couldn't wait for my response first before you walk out on me ?

Billy : is there any use for waiting ?

Seng I've never liked someone so fast than in the way I've grown to like you

Every time we spend on set is merely a huge excuse to always be with you and I love that I have this opportunity

But what happens after we wrap up everything ?

Should I just lock away everything I feel and just let it all go ?

I can't do that just the thought of that hurts

And ......

I felt a pair of soft warm lips crush on mine and I held him close to me by his waist

Seng: I'm sorry I didn't come to you sooner and expressed my feelings to you

Billy, I don't want to lose you either

I feel so lucky right now

I feel like I'm playing a role of my own love story

I chuckled
Billy : we kind of are

I wiped off his tears and he did the same for me

Billy : I'll make sure I formerly ask you out but you should know , no one is touching you

He giggled

I kissed him once more and only stopped when the director came back in with the fixed cameras

All I wanted was this fluff ball yo be all mine and now he is


Please watch secret crush on you

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