2- kuroko

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the next day~

^hinatas pov^

i was biking very very fast to the school and -bang- i bumped into the school wall "owww that hurts-" i said as i got up and placed my now broken bike down "imma fix that later but i need to get to classsss!!!" i yelled as i ran to school


-nom nom nom- "haiiiii so good!!!!" i said as i savored the food accidentally ........ "Ahhhhh im late for practice!!!!" i said as i ran there

~~~~lunch is nice go eat~~~~

-huff huff huff- "sorry im late oh and by any chance have you seen my phone!" i said as i bowed down apologetically "they took you phone-" sugamama said "hey hinata who are these!" noya said as i looked at it "hey noya can you give it back?" i asked ignoring the question "hey don't ignore me!" he yelled jokingly as i smiled a fake one "don't interrupt me!" sugamama yelled as he hit noya in the head "owwie!" noya said 

"sugawara no hitting noya! noya don't steal hinatas phone!" dadichi yelled at them as they backed to a corner "im sorry im sorry im sorry!" noya said as he ducked with a T>﹏<T face "that's what you get hehe" i chuckled "hinata back to practice!" dadichi yelled as i got shiver's "ai ay captain!" i said as i hurried back"

"im gonna practice passing" kageyama said as i watched "you know i had a good friend with good passing skill's" i said as i watch kageyama "i mean in basketball-" i said as i tried to make a conversation but kageyama ended up ignoring me

"thank you..." ??? said "gahhhhh!" i yelled as i looked back "you have the worst timing ever!" i yelled at him as he just stared blankly at me "god why?" i pledded "hey isn't that kuroko? the shadow player?" kageyama asked as noya compared it "woah it is!" noya said as they're all amazed "ok why are you here?" i wondered but kuroko as he just took his phone out and showed me messages "you didn't respond to my text's" kuroko said as i face slapped my self

"jeez kuroko you didn't change one bit" i said as i smiled "nether did you..." he said as i blinked his now gone "KU RO KO ! ! ! ! ! ! !" i yelled as he smiled a bit "im here?" he said as i just looked around "you know we're making a scene visit me not in school ok?" i asked as he just nodded "good now shoo shoo" i said as he left

^karasuno's pov

"W H A T  J U S T   H A P P E N D?! "

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