Awaken, My New King

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A mission gone wrong. the Grimm swarmed the bullhead as it was leaving the mission area.

Team Rwby was firing off shot after shot, hoping to stop the nevermore from attacking. With the majority of them killed, an alpha appeared, closing in on them.

Team JONR sat in the same bullhead, their bodies damaged and fatigued. the leader Jaune looked up, to see the Alpha as he does, he stands up, he hears Team RWBY saying they are out of ammo as it charges.  Jaune makes the ultimate sacrifice.

With his shield forward and blade ready, he lunges through the air and slams into the nevermore, dropping it instantly. The bullhead leaving his sight as the screams of his friends dissipate.

As he falls to the ground with the Nevermore, he feels at peace, that he was able to save his friends, and maybe join once more with his beloved.


As he lay on the ground, the piercing cold winds around him, he waits for his inevitable death.

'Find us....' The voice echoes, even through the howling winds. 'Obtain.... your.... power...' The voice turns to two as they rang louder. Jaune stands on broken legs as trudged to the voices.

After hours, his aura keeping him alive, but barely. He came across a cave, the voices were but whispers as he heard them flowing from the temporary sanctuary.

Aa Jaune entered the cave, the cold nipped at him, but for a reason he felt comfortable.  As he trekked the cave, the howling winds outside echoed.  He looked forward to see a altar of some sort. Above it was a floating Chest plate, the sash hanging from the belt was torn and tattered.  The pauldrons attached were flared with edges. While the helm had no face plate, but something about it was welcoming.

As he approached it felt like it was whispering to him.

'Wear us...... obtain... your... power...' As Jaune moved closer, he saw the armor give off a faint blue hue. 'Claim... your... destiny!'  As Jaune moved his hand forward, the tips of his fingers touch the plate.


A large flash of light floods the area, the armor, no longer in front of him.

"Where-" Jaune questioned, as his vision was returning he saw not only the armor had vanished, but his gloved hand now wore a gauntlet. The spiked knuckles surprising him. "HOW?!" 'Welcome... our champion...'the voices whispered into his mind once more,  he searches the area, for any kind of semblance of a person the voice will belong to.

'Do not... fear... we.. are.. you.. now.. our... champion.' In front of Jaune two figures appear in front of him, one representing a scholar, the other a warrior. 'We.. are... the... Brothers... of North....' At first Jaune felt fear, but it was replaced shortly by curiousity. "Who are you two? And what do you mean by champion?"  Jaune wore a understandably puzzled look. "I'm just a man." 'A man... who... was able... to.. sacrifice... himself...' The vision of Jaune lunging at the Alpha Nevermore so his friends could survive flooded his mind. 'You.. are... truly... a.. champion..' The two ghostly images answered.  The scholar looked up, 'I... am... Nathaniel Frosteye.' The warrior floated after. 'I... am... Valtr Frosteye...' they both looked at Jaune, the color returning slowly as their faces were becoming easier to see.

"Ahhh... that is truly better." Nathaniel landed, no longer floating or speaking in broken tones.  "Indeed brother." Valtr rolled his shoulder and made his neck Crack as well. "Being dead for so long can really mess with your spine." Jaune's mouth was agape, he saw what could be considered two ghosts materialize in front of him.  "Wait, wait, wait! What is going on, who are you two, and why am I your 'champion'?!" Jaune asked, not raising his voice but being calm, to the best of his capabilities.  "My boy, you are the one who found us, making you our champion." Valtr said, folding his arms across his chest. "You see, we were sealed away by Salem, we were on a campaign to stop her millennium ago." Nathaniel spoke, adjusting his glasses. "The magic we stole from her cursed us, into being bound into the armor you are now wearing. We were cast aside. Only to be freed by the one who laid hands upon us."

Jaune was.. perplexed at the new information.  He was alive for now, and was housing the souls of two once cursed men.  "Sooooo how do we do this?" The two spirits looked at him. "I mean, do other people see you? Or is it just me?"  "Well it's only you. And those you fully trust. So if you feel a bond with someone you can connect to them also." Nathaniel said. "Ay, as my brother says, you choose who you trust, and we will grant them gifts as well. Speaking of" He moves his hand up, like he was holding a wine glass. "Do this for me boy would ya."  Jaune rose an eyebrow. "Okay, I don't get wha-" As he did it a ball of black ichor appeared out of thin air. "WHAT THE FUCK!" "Language!" Nathaniel scolded the knight. "HAHAHA! I always wanted to see a reaction like that!" Valtr laughed. "Anyways, that right there, is one of the many gifts you received. The power to control and summon Grimm." With that Jaune's eye grew wide,  the power to control the very things that are his enemy... "Now, for the other hand, do the same thing." Valtr said as Jaune hesitantly did the motion once more.  As he did the hand conjured a sickly blue energy, something about it gave off deathly vibes.  "That is the second... the magic that Salem realized we needed to be stopped for. Necromancy." Nathaniel looked to Jaune, to see for any kind if reaction. "Ay... are... are you okay lad?" Jaune looked over. His faced full of confusion... and desperation in hopes of answers. "What does this mean for me?" "Beg par-" "WHAT. DOES. THIS. MEAN!" He dropped his hands, his face in rage. "So I'm just a puppet for you two?! Can I even take off this armor?" "Please... let me explain." Nathaniel placed a hand atop of his. "I will explain everything."

Back in Atlas

"WE HAVE TO GO BACK!" A young reaper yelled out, trying to convince everyone to retrieve their beloved knight. "Ruby.. we can't.. not yet at least " The golden dragon tried to reason with her. "Well if that's the case me and Ruby can go! We aren't losing him!" Nora slammed her hands on the table, she wasn't about to abandon her brother. "I will go with them, it isn't going to be worth losing Jaune.. he means too much to us all." Ren stood at the ready. Though tired, he refused to leave anyone, especially Jaune, behind. "I will as well, he's trained me so much, I'm not leaving him behind!" Oscar jumped up as well.  "Let's go then, AFTER, we get some rest and restock. There's no point in us going if we are to just die." Weiss looked at everyone, making sure it's known she wants to go as well. But to be smart about it.

The group rested for a few hours, shortly after they took off in the Bullhead.  The howling winds threatening to knock around the ship as everyone was trying to get a look at the ground.

"Does anyone see anything?!" Ruby yelled, trying to get a read on the area. "Nothing yet Rube- Wait, up ahead! I see something." They looked ahead to see multiple blood stains in the snow, close to it was an object covered in snow. "Oh no, Jaune!" Ruby rushed over in hopes to find her friend in the snow, but there was no body. Just the shield and sword he equipped frequently.  "No... no, no no no..." the reaper kneeled in front of it, tears threatening to fall. For in her eyes. The knight Jaune Arc had fallen.

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