Chapter One (Will's POV)

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It was a semi-normal day here in California, the clouds semi-covering the sun, the trees swaying along with the wind. El and I were sitting in our backyard, in a lawn chair, sipping on our lemonade, waiting for something to happen to brighten this utterly boring and normal day for us. 

I would often go to the little beach that is behind El and my house, just to feel the sand under my toes and read a good book for about an hour or so before my parents came to visit. Normally they come to visit on the weekends but there are sometimes when they pop up on weekdays with old friends that neither I nor El remember. 

Today was one of those days where you would find me on the beach with one of the many books I own. 

Will! El yelled from the back patio sliding glass door 

Hearing her yell my name I turned my head and looked towards the house. I got up and waved at her to let her know that I was coming. Jane is what some people like to call a witch, I mean they're right in a way but we won't tell them that. 

I walked up to the back porch and walked inside after wiping my feet off at the door to see our parents Dustin and Lucas. I smiled softly at my mom as she walked over to me, pulling me into a hug. Dustin and Lucas hugged El, as well as our dad, did, then vice versa. 

After everyone hugged and pulled apart we all went to the living room to sit down and talk about whatever popped into our heads. My mom, Joyce, sat with her husband, Jim Hopper, on the love seat, El and I sat on the couch, and Dustin and Lucas sat on the other love seat. 

My mom and Jim have been married for two years now and we all have just become a huge family. Lucas and Dustin have been a couple since, what they've told us, four years. I long for the day I find someone. But this isn't about me so back to everyone else. 

El however has never really found anyone. I think mainly because she likes girls, she hasn't come out to mom and dad yet nor, I doubt, she ever will. With all of this sitting around one another it was said to help bring memories back or at least Dustin says it will help bring back the memories of all the people we used to know back then.

"Will, sweetie, what's going on in your head?" My mom asked looking at me, concern covering her face

I looked up at her for a moment not realizing that at the time of my thinking I zoomed out "hm? Oh nothing mom, just thinking." 

My mom looked at me for a moment before I heard a ding meaning the oven went off. I got up and walked into the kitchen grabbing the oven mitts. Opening the oven and taking out the cookies that El had put in before calling me from the beach. 

After hours of talking and just hanging out in general our parents, along with Dustin and Lucas, went home. El and I were left alone with our thoughts and each other. 

Hey, El? I asked turning my head to face her 

She turned her head and just nodded in response for me to go on. Do you think everyone Dustin and Lucas have mentioned remembers us? 

She froze for a few minutes till answering I think that they do. 

After our conversation, we decided to head to bed for the night. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2022 ⏰

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