Log 8-3-6-2-1 (SCP-860-3)

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*Just to inform everybody who is reading this chapter, this is not an official chapter, this is a chapter dedicated to "progress of certain SCP entities, such as Alan, and a few others, I won't say them now, but I will give a hint, Planet, THAT'S ALL YOU'RE GONNA GET OUT OF ME TODAY HA-HA-HA! ENJOY!*

(Dr. Buck P.O.V.)

SCP Log 8-3-6-2-1
Date: July, 3, 2029
Today's investigation is on Euclid Class, SCP-860-3 or also as recently labelled as the Forest Child.
SCP-860-3 is an Eastern American male human with a umbandant feature of a crystal resembling Hexoctaheral mineral on the back of its neck.
SCP-860-3 was first encountered in Penobscot, Maine April 4th, it had lived there since infancy, and goes by the name of Alan Su, to no surprise it is almost a clone of previous Site Director Mark Su.
SCP-860-3 has a unique Physiology and Biological components, while bone structure appearing human in nature, however, test have shown that its bones are rather enhanced in comparison, having more strength and durability then the average human bones.
Muscle tissues are also different in nature, the best description is that there is that 860-3's muscle structure is like a single layer of muscle tissue but with about 3 or 5 times the strength of the average human, its strength is almost as equivalent to a large hydraulic piston in each arm, this was confirmed after the an investigation experiment labelled as "Skotádi", including 939 infestation at decommissioned Site 36, where 860-3 returned to Site 54 tired and as Reinforcement Unit K-9 witness 860-3 open a 50 foot high pressure steel door with sheer force.
860-3 was not harmful or even discovered until experiment "Roars and Paths" involving SCP-860, it attempted to escape after it made contact SCP-860-2, while the escape attempt failed, researchers became baffled when they found out that D-Class 8603 was SCP-860-3, and while SCP-860-3 was not harmful at the time as recently said, however, any and all contacts with SCP-860-2 were unsuccessful since 860-2 proceeded to kill anyone who tried to approach it, later it was that 860-3 referred 860-2 as "mother".
Later on DNA analysis proved that SCP-860-3 was indeed related to SCP-860-2 and Dr. Su, however 860-3's DNA has a more human DNA present than the the DNA of 860-2 entity that has been classified as "Savalian" according to these entities, a creature seem to be made of wooden roots, however, being extremely stronger than simple wood, it is as tough as 6 inch metal sheet, with the unique ability to shapeshift into what is predicted, anything they can imagine from simple shields and swords to complex bows.
SCP-860-3 is contained at Heavy Containment Zone F at Site 54, with a containment chamber being dull in appearance but strengthened with re-enforced steel.
Staff must always be cautions when interacting with SCP-860-3, though this entity is not harmful when unbothered, provoking it will earn a very nasty result, this caution was put after containment procedure "Closure" involving Dr. David Ioma attempting to contain SCP-860-3, 166, 053, 105, and 239 in a small containment chamber, however Dr. Ioma insulted the late Dr. Su, and SCP-860-3 had been raised by Dr. Su, took immense insult to it. 860-3 proceeded to punch the door to the containment chamber with immense force that sent in it into flight, while digging in the wall at breakneck speed, and attempted to terminate Dr. Ioma.
Since that incident extreme caution is to be taken when in contact with SCP-860-3, and never to insult its lineage.
More information is still being discovered by the foundation.

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