III. From 2 to 3

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Hotch has a steady grip on his life. All measured and predictable. Then one morning in the cold, frigid air of the Alaskan landscape, daylight pours in through the opened windows of his hotel room. His eyes still shut, the sunrays warm up his face despite the lilac breeze. He finds himself with a bedmate but cannot recall the night before.

(Also:) After a bad case that leaves you wounded, Hotch and you are scared to cross into 'otherness'.

(Sequel to The Only Heartbreaker but could be read separately)


hey all - not really a comeback when idk what THIS is but i been listenin to a lot of peach pit and mitski *once this was named Heat Lightning -
and it's all fluff and HOTCH pov, after the events of the only heartbreaker.
Some flashbacks. some longing. Some utter nonsense of dialogue tbh

sry for grammar errors if any! and sry if this incoherent lmaooo <3


Hotch has a firm grip on the events in his life. He is a father; was a fair husband until he wasn't, and he is a regular at all the establishments he frequents: grocery store, coffee shop, bakery, butcher's, farmer's market; and he has a strict regiment for exercise and pastimes. All to counteract the unpredictability of his work. It didn't start this way. Naturally, his position came later and then his attitude: sort of a chicken and an egg situation. Except, people who've known him longer than the job – which coincidentally happens to be in a disproportionate ratio to those who know him because of it – would argue that he's always been like this.

A firm, steady hold on his life. In control.

His work seems to test him on that every single day without fail. If it's not a murder case, or a kidnapping, then it's a bomb threat – New York still not the same for him but he's managed to take a hold on the inevitable, unconscious reactions of his body to the city's name, after some laborious practice. If it's not that either, then it is an event that leaves one of his agents seriously harmed in the middle of the day.

Strauss casually reminds him of the last one some days, like she means to make sure he's not as damaged as one should be after everything he's already endured.

And yet, he's doing okay. If he were the type to do so, he'd wave a hand in the air dismissing it all: firm, strong grip, of course.

Then one morning in the cold, frigid air of the Alaskan landscape, daylight pours in through the opened windows of his hotel room. His eyes still shut, the sunrays warm up his face despite the breeze bringing in chilled air.

He stirs, something tickling his nose. He huffs out, wanting to blow away whatever irritation that is. It drifts away, settling stubbornly on his chin this time. Refusing to wake up just yet, he decides to move it away but his arms are occupied. His body cocooned under the pile of blanket and duvet, weighed down by a bed-mate, hands firm around the stranger.

No wonder he's not freezing, he realizes, glancing down in surprise. A handful of naked thigh muscle over one of his legs keeps him locked in, and his other hand is settled precariously close to a chest.

She is sprawled atop him, gently snoozing into the crook of his neck. His eyebrows shoot up, and he tries – and fails – to remember how he's ended up here. How she did.

He must have gotten uncharacteristically drunk last night. All he remembers is spending the late hours with the team, some jokes from Rossi and Garcia over who in their gracious mind would return to this state due to the temperatures. He must have picked up someone at the bar they were in. It wasn't anything spacious like in big cities, but a new face could have been exciting for some. It isn't customary to drink either. Too many issues over dehydration, and how alcohol isn't factually a good alternative to the cold, and ultimately a prevention for alcoholism as there are no nearby addiction treatment facilities (– he remembers the speech from Reid, but not the woman in his bed?) but there had been booze on their table last night.

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