Fairy tale

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It could have started like a fairy tale. But it wasn't. The street was filthy and the garbage cans were overflowing with filth. And then there was that vile smell of vomit and urine that forced him to cover his nose and mouth. It was the olfactory border of a forgotten street. He quickly passed this pile of garbage and moved into the alley. He could then discover a certain charm to the place with these balconies and these parabolas carrying hope, kinds of flowers of the modern times catching the television waves and the promises of an ephemeral television happiness. Puddles reflected the lights of the beautiful neighborhoods located further up. Everything here seemed to be turned towards the outside, towards an elsewhere. This made him a little sad in the end. It didn't take much to turn hope into reality, simply by turning away from parables and turning inward. But this required a change in his habits.

Dave, on the other hand, was no longer attracted to the lights and gold. From experience he was wary of anything that shone too brightly on the outside. He only wanted peace, but his job, if one can call his strange activity a job, brought him into contact with shadows, the unspeakable and sometimes death. He had finally accepted it, found there his place, a role to play. Ancient texts say that it doesn't matter if life gives us a first or a second role, it is up to us to play well the one we have been assigned. Better a perfectly good supporting role than a bad leading role.

He walked further into the alley, looking for the only clue in his possession, a black cat sign. He finally found it. It creaked at the slightest breeze that rushed in. Small spotlights dimly illuminated what he was looking for: Madigan's, Irish Pub. He pushed open the door and entered a noisy, dark room. The counter radiated a soft light through multiple bottles filled with different colored beverages. The boss acted as an alchemist in this mysterious laboratory that seemed to come straight out of the Middle Ages. Small lamps lit the tables farthest from the counter. He approached and knew he had found the right person. The man was finishing the preparation of a colorful and sparkling cocktail decorated with exotic flowers. A waiter took it away at once.

The boss looked at Dave and stopped short. He understood at once who he was, people could feel it every time. With a nod he pointed to the back room, only separated from where they were by a slight veil. Dave followed the boss and they sat down at a small table. The boss's body was massive but he seemed intimidated. Dave took off his coat and rolled up his right sleeve. He rested his forearm on the wooden table. The boss swallowed and slowly put his hands on it. There was an immediate flash that startled the man. He rested his hands and closed his eyes. A jerk of images interspersed with blacks appeared then a whole sequence. The sounds also seemed so real that both men sometimes turned their heads, as if to better capture them. Eventually the vision faded.

"It's my daughter, I haven't heard from her in months"

"She looks happy"

"When I became a father, her little life took over. It feels like yesterday and now it feels like she has abandoned me"

"Yet it is in the nature of things"

"In fact I think I've forgotten who I was. Do you think she'll come back?"

'You have to start by finding yourself, so you will never feel alone again'

"Thank you"

Dave stood up

"Won't you stay a little while?"

"I never stay"

"Wait a little while, I'll be back"

Dave put his coat back on and the man was back with his cash-box

"This is the money of the day, it's all I have"

"I don't ask for so much, just give what you want"

Dave stuffed the bills the boss had given him into his pocket and walked away. He had done what he had to do by offering a vision. Now he was returning to the night, becoming a shadow among shadows, his silhouette slowly disappearing around the corner. No one would hear from him again, until one day a new vision would ask to come out. Then he would appear again to deliver his message... just like in a fairy tale.

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