Chapter 1

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I was running down the street with my headphones on, listening random music, sweat covering all my skin, my ponytail all a mess, with my black skinny jeans on, a simple blue blouse and gray with black Nike tennis.

I just move on from LA to a small town in Houston, I didn't want to come here at first I was happy with my life in LA but my dad was offered a better job here and he couldn't deny it. At first I was really angry at them, how could they do this to me? I hate being the new girl at school, the constant stare of curious kids who don't have guts enough to come and talk to you, or the awkward conversations with the people who did try talking with you but ran out of questions. I like my friends from LA and I was sad at the thought of leaving them, I tried hard to convince my parents to let me stay with my best friend but they tell me I'm too young. Even though I really don't want to move out of my old live maybe it's good to have a good fresh start.
As I run down the street, I study all the details I could catch. How all the houses are perfectly alined with the street, all the same, big houses with perfect gardens and expensive cars. This must be the rich area or something like that it blossoms with expensive stores, restaurants of all kinds, I felt suddenly excited, my friends would love this place, we could come tomorrow..... And then it hit me, they are not here, you are alone and without friends. I ignored the pain of loneliness I felt and ran, looking at the other people surrounding me. There are some people running, some walking with their dogs, people walking fast probably getting late to their work.
After running a few minutes the landscape started to change, from expensive-perfect-houses to more local cafés and restaurants. The air smelt like coffee and fresh bread my stomach growled in hunger and I stop running to enter the cafe. I stood outside the cafe breathing fast thinking if I should really buy something, I could go home and have a coffee. But before I could change my mind I reached out for the handle of the door and step into the small room.
I have a thing for vintage and this decoration was just perfect. In the entrance there is a mirror with a golden frame, the golden color looks rusty, as if it had been passed as a heirloom for ages. Even though the space is small many people sit in the wooden tables laughing and taking sips of their cups. It all gave an aura of peace and creativity. I smile to myself proud of my new discovery. As I walk pass the mirror I check myself quickly. My black hair is a complete mess in my ponytail and my pale skin it's redden by the sun but it doesn't matter 'I won't meet anyone here' I think as I shrug at my reflection.
As I walk to form in the line I feel people glancing at me, but it doesn't bother me at all I form in the line behind a busy-looking woman who as it seems it's having an intense conversation with someone on the phone she was speaking in another language I couldn't quite comprehend. 'French?', I thought as I waited for my turn to order some coffee, I read through the menu hanging on the wall here were many drinks to choose from but I decided to taste the coffee, since it's what brought me here at first. Suddenly I heard the doorbell from the door announcing someones arrival, something told me to look at the new-comer 'curiosity maybe?' I turn to take a look at the man who just walk trough the door and I instantly froze staring at him my blue eyes widened, I did not expected to see someone my age here. 'Omg he is so cute' was my first thought as I saw him walk to.... Me 'Shit, I should have at least put on some makeup' I cursed at myself for not looking presentable but there was nothing I could do now. The boy was wearing simple jeans, a black jacket and a white undershirt, I could almost swear I could see his abs, his black-as-night hair seemed to shine under the light of the chandeliers.
He must have sense my stare because he turn his blue bright eyes to look at my direction and I felt like fainting 'his eyes!' He has the most beautiful blue eyes I had ever seen, bright and light as the summer sky. Before he could see my red cheeks I look away from him and look up ahead the line. 'Why is the line so long?!' This was really embarrassing the boy had seen me staring at him. It probably wasn't anything new to him, I could hear other girls giggling most probably because of the boy.
I suddenly had the urge to run to the bathroom to clean the sweat out of my face and comb my hair better than this messy ponytail. I force myself not to turn around to stare more at the boy.
Finally it was my turn, I ordered an Ice Caffé Latte.
-"It's $3.50" the cashier said with a bright smile, I nodded returning the smile and I took my wallet from the little pocket in my leggings. 'Oh shit, are you kidding me?' I only have two dollars.... I take out the two billets of one dollar and bite my lip looking at the cashier.
-I only have two dollars— I say to the girl hoping that maybe they could lower the price just this time, but the cashier just shrug -You need to pay the $3.50, I'm sorry— she did not looking or sounding sorry at all.
-Ok— I say looking down, angry at myself for not bringing more money -Then I guess I will canc— I didn't got the chance to finish because I was interrupted by him the-handsome-boy interrupted me and took a step standing beside me.
-I'll pay for her coffee— he said taking out four dollars out of his wallet and giving the money to the cashier.
-I- you don't need to do that— I say looking up at him, but it was too late the cashier took the money and handed me the ticket -Next— she muttered her smile gone.
I step out of the line as someone almost push me out of the way so they could order. The boy also stepped out of the line.
-Thanks....— I say nervously, I'm usually confident but something about him made me feel nervous –You didn't had to- —I started to say to him but yet again I was interrupted by him who just shrugged as if it was nothing
-It's ok, I wanted too.—He answered me with a soft smile "It's only 3.50 dollars it's nothing" he said staring down at me with his bright eyes. I felt my cheeks burning red at the sudden stare, I was tempted to look away but couldn't.
-Thank you— I said returning the smile, hoping I look good. He nodded again and after some seconds that seemed like minutes he spoke again.
-I'm- — he was going to say something. Probably his name? but got cut off by the cashier who was holding a paper cup in the air and looking bored waiting for someone to get their drink.-Ice Caffé Latte!—She announced and put my beverage in a table beside her.
-I-ummh. I'm going for my drink..... Thanks again— I smile warmly at him and walk to grab my Latte. I was thinking on what to tell him next but when I turned around he was gone.
I felt disappointed, and suddenly angry at the cashier for interrupting, but I knew it wasn't her fault she is only doing her job. I didn't even know his name. I took a sip of my Latte trying to ignore the disappointment that fill my thoughts.
The boy was gone and I would provably never see him again.

A/N: Hi everyone! I hope you like this chapter and you give it a try. I'm happy for suggestions and hearing what you think about it. I know it's not the best but I'm trying, practice makes you better. If there's anything bad written I apologize English it's not my native language. Anyways I hope you like it, peace out. ❤️

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