Chapter 4

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When I went down stairs to have breakfast I took a seat in front of Zoe giving her a glare, she just rolled her eyes not even looking at me, and that made me angrier than I already was, trying to calm myself down I poured orange juice into my glass and took a deep gulp hoping that maybe the cold of the juice would calm me down. My mom who was sitting beside me offered me a motherly smile and Cameron, who sited at her left glanced at me and then proceeded to eat his French toast with the same decency a dog eats his food.

-Since you didn't wash the dishes from dinner last night, you are washing them tonight- My mom said to me as she handed me the plate with the French toasts. At the smell of the food I calmed myself and let go my anger deciding that it was dumb and silly to make such a big deal out of a drawing, if I want I can draw it again.

My mom is nothing like me physically while I have black hair she has pale blonde hair, her face is more rounded than mine is and maybe the only thing we have in common are our light eyes and that we both like similar things.

-Yeah sure- I said grabbing two French toast from the plate and putting them in my plate. -I might come to home late. I'm going for a run again- I said to my mom and reached for the Nutella across the table.

-What a lie, we know you aren't telling the truth- Zoe said grinning at me with satisfaction thinking she knew a secret of mine. Zoe took a sip of her orange juice before adding with a smirk -Tell the truth Allie, you are stalking your crush.

My mom narrowed her eyes and turned to look at me with curiosity -What crush?- She look from me to Zoe waiting for one of us to answer.

-Cut it off Zoe!- I said looking at her warningly. -There's no crush, I don't know what Zoe is talking about- I said avoiding eye contact and instead looking down at my French toast. My mom open her mouth to ask more but before she could speak Cameron spoke from across the table.

-Can I please enjoy my waffles?!- Cameron said frustrated as if we were fighting or disturbing him with questions. My mom still looked as if she wanted to know more but I shove a mouthful of French toast hoping that she understood i was not talking about it. She sighed giving up and returned to eating her food. Zoe was looking down at something in her lap, most probably her IPhone.

-The waffles say thanks- Cameron said with a winning grin and continue adding stuff to his toasts. Zoe look up from her iPhone and almost have a heart attack when she saw the mountain of sweet and calories In front of Cameron.

-Are you eating that?- She said wrinkling her nose disgusted at the sight of Nutella, maple syrup, bananas, whipped cream and chocolate chips in Cameron's plate.

-Yeah- Cameron give her duh look before taking a big bite and moaning in delight. Some of the whipped cream was falling from the corner of Cameron's mouth but he just clean it off with his tongue.

-Ugh gross- Zoe said giving Cameron one more look of disgust before going back to texting.

The breakfast continued without no one speaking, everything silent except Cameron's lack of eating skills.

When we finish our awkward breakfast and after taking my plates to the kitchen I went for my wallet and phone upstairs in my room. -Bye mom!- I shouted and closed the door not waiting for her answer. Outside in the porch I breath in the smell of fresh air and happy to be outside in the sunny day. I walk down the steps and on to the sidewalk looking around the street, hearing the happy singing of the birds and the noise of cars passing by. I didn't intend to walk anywhere in particular, I just wanted to walk away from home and relax, but after walking lost in my thoughts I ended up in the same café. I laugh at myself but then the feeling of regret filled me once again, I couldn't help but fantasized about what could have happened. But I needed to stop thinking of what could have been, it was stupid to be feeling this way for a complete stranger. I keep walking, heading away from the café, from the memories of the boy.
I took out my phone to distract myself and I see one notification from my best friend Claire. I was about to put my password to check my messages but before I could finish typing my password I bumped into someone. That someone was really strong and knock me off my feet and I fell on my butt landing on the sidewalk, with me falling so did my phone landing on the pavement with a loud thud that made me cringe. I rapidly grab it and sighed in relief that the screen wasn't broken. I exhaled in relief and ignoring the pain in my ass I looked up at the person I crashed into, who had been apologizing continually but I didn't hear him, until now that I look up scolding.

As soon as I look up and meet the boys eyes I freeze in the floor surprised at the irony of this not unable to move. It was Him. His bright blue eyes lock into mine paralyzing me even more to the floor.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2017 ⏰

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