Secret Part 2

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Mothball hiked through the forest, carrying the unconscious mare on his back, his ears perked up as he heard two changelings nearby and quickly dove into the bushes, Moon Shadow let out a moan, he silenced her with his hoof 

General Mantis: She must have come through here, I smell roses 

Chrysalis: We're near a field of roses you fool, of course you smell roses, oh, we better find that little brat soon, without her, Mothball will never come back to The Hive 

General Mantis: He wouldn't have left in the first place if you hadn't locked him up like a prisoner 

Chrysalis: He wouldn't have escaped if your guards have been more competent 

General Mantis: See, you can't even see your own fault here, no wonder he's run away 

Chrysalis: Speaking to me like that again Mantis, and I will rip out your heart like I should have done ages ago 

Mothball gasped but his gasp was a little loud because General Mantis heard it 

General Mantis: Did you hear that Your Majesty 

Chrysalis: Hear what 

General Mantis: It came from those bushes, I'll go take a look 

General Mantis went through the he saw Mothball holding the unconscious mare 

Chrysalis: Mantis, what is it 

Mothball was worried Mantis was going to rat him out but instead he said: 

General Mantis: Nothing Your Majesty, just a squirrel 

Chrysalis sighed: Keep looking for her, I have to get back to Dear Old Daddy Sombra before he starts missing his little brat of a daughter 

Mothball saw a green light and General Mantis looked at him 

General Mantis: Just this once, Your Highness 

And with that General Mantis flew away and Mothball got up and smiled 

Mothball: Thank you Mantis 


Sombra was flying around Ponyville in his shadow form and he sighed 

Sombra: First my wife, now my children, I should have known, the only pony you can trust is yourself 

As he spoke, Moonlight Eclipse appeared in the air before him, bringing a smile to the umbrum unicorn's face 

Sombra gasped: MOONLIGHT ECLIPSE, oh, there's my precious little girl  

Sombra and Moonlight Eclipse hugged 

Sombra: Oh, you missed your old daddy didn't you, at least I know you'll never leave me, right 

If had he not been caught up in his joy, he would have noticed the devious smile on the infant's face 


Mothball hiked through the Everfree Forest with Moon Shadow on his back 

Mothball: Need water, preferably chocolate, no 

Moon Shadow let out a moan 

Mothball: Hang on Mooney, I'm sure we'll find a place to-------  

He was interrupted when he saw tree with a light coming out of it 

Mothball: Hey, maybe whoever lives in that tree can help, oh right, they wouldn't help a changeling would they 

He transformed into the disguise he had used earlier that day with Moon Shadow, he tapped his now gray hoof on the door 

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