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It was the middle of December. The guys were excited to have the next two  weeks off for Christmas and New Years. Taehyung was double excited because this would be his first birthday off in years. The members were all excited for Taehyungs birthday off too. They felt it meant they could really do something special for him. They had already gone out and bought him a ton of presents.

Unfortunately, Jungkook was dealing with a bout of pneumonia. He had no idea how he contracted it, but it was clear he had been suffering. He was always coughing up mucus or sleeping on the couch. His hyungs kept him pumped full of drug store medicine while they waited for their maknae's prescription to come in. Something that would actually help him get better.

One afternoon, Jungkook got a call that his medicine was ready to be picked up. However, Hobi advised they wait until tomorrow to pick it up because it was already snowing out and was only supposed to get worse. He asked Jungkook if he didn't mind suffering just one more day.

"I don't mind going and getting it, it's not snowing that badly out. Our SUV is 4 wheel drive, it will be fine," Taehyung offered. The rest of the members were gathered together checking the weather, "But it's supposed to get worse. And it's freezing outside. Actually it's well below freezing outside. It's -20F out," Jin informed. He didn't like the idea of Taehyung going out in that. He also felt terrible for Jungkook.

"I'll make it back before it gets bad. When is it supposed to get worse?" Taehyung asked.

"In about an hour," Yoongi told him.

"That's plenty of time!" The second maknae said eagerly. Jungkook sat up from the couch, after his coughing fit, he spoke up, "Hyung....It's really okay. I can wait. If the weather is bad I don't want you driving in it."

"Do you guys not have faith in my driving skills?" Taehyung pouted. It's not like he didn't have experience driving in snow.

"It's not that. But mother nature can be relentless," Jimin answered. Taehyung insisted he could make it back in time, and he could do it a lot faster if his members stopped pestering him.

"Fine," Yoongi finally agreed, "But be quick before this gets worse."

Taehyung clapped excitedly, doing this for his maknae made him feel like a superhero. Jungkook pouted on the couch. He'd rather just have Taehyung come over and cuddle if he was being honest. He thought about how cold it was outside and fought with an idea in his head before giving into it. He got up and grabbed his hyungs hand and walked him into his room.

"What are you doing?" Taehyung asked.

"I got you something. It was supposed to be a birthday present, but it seems like a good time to use it. I want you to have it now." Jungkook pulled a giant coat out of his closet and handed it to Taehyung, "Happy birthday hyung," he smiled.

"Jungkook-ah...this is for me?!" Taehyung smiled the biggest smile his maknae had ever seen. It was green with a brown collar, and super puffy, which Jungkook knew was Taehyungs favorite. Taehyung admired it with a bunch of ,"Oooooh's" and "Waahhhh's".

"And check this out hyung!" Jungkook said excitedly. He asked to see Taehyungs cell phone and downloaded an app. Suddenly Taehyung could feel the inside of the jacket getting warmer, "It's heated?!" Taehyung asked amazed. "Yes! You can control the temperature from your phone!" Jungkook said before falling into another coughing fit. Taehyung thanked him again and patted his back, saying he should get going while his maknae should go and lay back on the couch.

"Heading out, be back soon," Taehyung waved as he sprinted out the door in his new coat. Jungkook told his hyungs he gave him the present early, they all said it was a good idea considering the weather Taehyung was stepping out into.

Hypothermia [Taehyung Hurtfic/KTHxBTS]Where stories live. Discover now