- 𝙨𝙞𝙘𝙠

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Your pov

It was the next day and I was lazily laying down in bed, tired and sick. Something in that garden must have gotten me sick- or something that day? I coughed and sat up, my hair was pretty, but a bit messy, I grabbed my water and drank some and put it back, laying back down and groaning, thinking about the last time I took medicine. I yawned and reached for my phone, typing in my password and going to the groupchat, texting.

3 dumb people

sunset (you) : are you both at school?? I'm sorry if I made you wait but I got sick and I feel hella lazy.

sunshine: Nope.

moonlight: We waited an hour for you and then skipped school so right now we're at the store, want some medicine?? or do you already have some- want something in general?

sunset: yes pls- can you get me like- ramen?

moonlight: bullshit, we can make that for you.

sunset: damn ok- can i get like- chocolate filled taiyaki??

sunshine: ofc!!! dw we're gonna be there soon, do you have keys under your front door carpet?

sunset: ty baes! speaking to you both obv- and yeah- i do actually, was that a guess?

moonlight: why did you call us baes-

sunshine: yeah that was a guess, and thanks for the compliment.

sunset: bc i can, and np!

moonlight: alright, did you take your medicine yet?

sunset: no-

moonlight: bullshit, we'll be there soon.

sunset: WAIT WHAT-


I got off the groupchat and panicked, blushing in both embarrassment and being flustered. Shit- they're gonna see me like this- I'm only wearing short shorts and an oversized black t shirt- I gotta change- I thought. I tried to get up but my legs hurt, it felt like it was suddenly shocked then needles went up and down my legs, I fell down and groaned in pain, I couldn't get up or atleast it was too painful to do so. I laid down and covered myself with the blanket only up to my chest. Later, I heard my door being unlocked even though I was asleep, It opened and was closed and I heard footsteps, my door creaked open and I slowly woke up, my eyes adverting to the door. The door opened as Yoriichi and Kokushibo stood there, with light blush on their faces.

Kokushibo pov

No.. She looked so tired and in pain, I felt bad and walked to her, staring at her in the eyes, she looked up, lightly blushing, her arms were placed above her head on the bed and I grabbed her blanket, pulling it down to her legs. She must be sweating, Me and my brother blushed hard when we saw her with the blanket pulled down, she blushed a bit and scoffed, looking away and I laughed silently, my brother gave her the medicine and water then I handed her the Taiyaki she asked for. As she was taking the medicine, so many thoughts raced through my mind, some dirty ones too.. I was ashamed to be thinking of her like that but... Shes so perfect and- everything, she HAS to be mine now.

" I.. Hope you get better, y/n. " I said and she put her water back on her nightstand, smiling.

" Aww... Koku... I would give you a hug but- I'm sick.. " She said and my eyes widened, this sudden feeling went through my body, my heart fluttered. I was desperate, I wanted that hug, I NEEDED that hug. I turned to her and scoffed, hugging her, she got very worried and she panicked.

" K-Koku! You're gonna get sick! " She said and I stayed silent, she sighed, accepting the fact that I'm stubborn and she hugged me back, I made her fall back and I laid on the bed with her, hugging her. This felt like a once in a lifetime chance and she smiled, accepting it, I practically was laying on her as I hugged her and she hugged me, my brother stood there, VERY, JEALOUS. He smirked.

Yoriichi pov

Oh hohoho, this son of a- damn it, hes stealing her from me, I want to share her with him but- he knows every way to make me jealous, and I didn't even think I would get this jealous.. Know what? I'll make him jealous right back and do the same thing hes doing, this is karma, brother, learn the meaning of it. I thought, smiling, I looked at her and sat down on the space next to her, she then looking at me, my stomach had butterflies from just her gaze, I wanted to kiss her, but I know we're not dating so I cant, I was desperate but I can hold back the urge.

" Aww- I wanna join! Group hug!! " I said aloud, then hugging her and my brother, she smiled and hugged the both of us.

" You idiots are gonna get sick, but you are my idiots. " She said and we both blushed, smiling, she giggled. I sneaked a kiss on her neck, and she didn't even feel it. I smirked, knowing that worked and she yawned.

" Can you guys make me ramen later- I know you both make it really good because I've had it before so- " She said and I chuckled, my brother snickered.

" Of course. " We both said at the same time and she made a happy expression, my heart fluttered from that, and I can tell my brothers heart did too. We stayed here for awhile and eventually, accidentally fell asleep, all three of us.

Your pov

I was happy they were being so kind, the hugs on the bed are so sweet and warm. We all fell asleep together and later on we woke up, all of us blushing, and they went to make me ramen in the kitchen, I thought for a moment, Do I.. Have a crush on them? I think so.. God damn it- I cant pick both- that- that wouldn't be normal and I dont think they would agree. Damn it.. I want them... I yawned and gained my concentration back, blushing, I closed my eyes and waited for the ramen.

Yandere Yoriichi and Kokushibo x Fem!Reader ( Modern day school AU )Where stories live. Discover now