Fairy Tail Origins:Chater 10

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Richie POV.
We where at The Protectors Guild I was scared for Devin since he was stabbed and I wanted him to be ok "How the hell did we get her?" I heard Kit asked while her voice cracked from time to time "I stormed blinked us to her they can heal them" I said while I put Devin in my hand and ran towards the door "Lo'pho!" I screamed making everyone scared "What?!"

I saw Devins wound, Mario's unconscious body and Lunas you could hear her breach heavy but it was getting weak by the minute "Please h-help Luna f-first.." I heard Devin I looked at my arms to see his eyes open not all the way but half way "What? Devin you have a wound you've been stabbed" I alsmot yelled at him "Please... I-I can't l-lose her... please.... I beg.. you" ..... Devin?

Devin POV.
I heard talking I sat up and felt a pain on my stomach "Ow" I said I heard someone running towards me I looked up and saw Lucas he ran towards me and hugged me "Oh my god Devin don't do that's again" he told me I smiled at him and looked around I saw Line there "Luna!" I was about to stand up but once again I felt the pain I grabbed my stomach and I felt Lucas hand placed in my back

"She's fine Lo'pho told us that she just fainted from using to much of her power" I sighed relief about her condition at least it's not worse not like last time....

"And Mario how is he doing?" I ask him he looked at me for some seconds before answering "His fine David is with him in another room, Brandon explained what happened but Lo'pho couldn't figure out what kind of potion it was" I sighed and looked around once more "Where's Richie? Is he alright?" I asked he seems to be taken back at my question he looked back at I'm guessing the rest of the guys

"I don't know... he just left after he put you in the bed... I'm guessing he used storm blink to get out the doors didn't even open"

I was a bit scared for him, I didn't know why but I did after what happened in the guild every one seemed to be mad at him

I need to find him

Richie POV
"Fuck!" I said throwing a pillow at my bed I went to my chair and sat down while I rest my head on my hands

This is your fault once again

You killed Tapio and now you have let Mario die

"Shut up"

Do you even deserve to be the guild master?

"Shut up..."
Devin doesn't care... he doesn't love you

"Just shut the hell up!"

"Richie!" I stopped and looked up to see Devin with a worried face "Devin..." I sat there for a few moments before I got up fast and was about to hug him... but I stopped before I could do that "Your suppose to be resting Devin..." I said not looking at his eyes

"Richie I came to see if you where alright..." I looked at him and smiled "I'm fine Devin now go rest" I said while I was about to turn around but felt him grab my hand "Richie... please tell me what is going on, how did you know about.... Mario"

When he said that I felt something in my heart "You wouldn't believe me either way" I told him he looked at me dead in my eyes and said "Try me"

"Alright... since Mario joined the guild I had Kepler an eye on him every time he seemed alerted about something like he felt someone was watching him from afar he felt that someone wanted to attack him but he didn't know who

Later on I was walking and I saw Mario terrified he was shaking and breathing heavily I ran towards him but I saw another guy I front of him smiling i got in front of him and asked the man who was he and what does he want

He looked at me before responding that Mario knew who he was and that he knew he was coming for him he told me his name and left leaving to trap behind

I turned to him and I kept alert to see the man that left would come and attack from behind I told Mario that we needed to protect him and I'm telling the guild about what happened

He refused to let me go and to tell them because that would lead to more problems and more people being targeted

He told me that he died and he made sure of it he came back alive but with more greater power

Marrio... Mario told me that he was going to die he was creating something that would kill him in a painful death and we could do nothing about it I kept on telling him that that would never happened the potion that he had couldn't work with healing or anything it couldn't be stopped from speed through his body

I got pissed of at him but he calmed me down he was scared but he didn't show

The next day Mario was like nothing happened like everything was ok which pissed me off more because he didn't even try he just let it happened but I respect mes his decisions he soon told me who the man was

Markus Mario's guild master"

It was silent for a moment I was going to say something but got cut of "I'm sorry" I felt Devin hugged me tight I felt my heart skipped a beat before I hesitated to hug him back

"I'm sorry I knew that you wouldn't done that I knew you would have never let Mario die I was confused when you said that to Mario" He told me still hugging me

"So you are not mad or upset or anything?" I asked him and made eyes contact but I only saw his tears flowing down his face "Hey hey Devin what wrong?" I said while standing up and wiping the tears from his face "I'm sorry I just started to cry"

I smiled before responding "Why are you apologize so much it's not your fault Devin... I swear you are too kind sometimes" I said laughing a bit he followed soon and smiled a bit "I can't help it I guess... but know that I believe in you I know you are going through a hard time especially with the guild I'm I'm always going to be by your side Richie"

Mario POV.
I woke up it was blurry for a few seconds before I could see clearly I felt pain all over my body but I ignored it and stood up and looked around only to see an unfamiliar place I heard the door opened followed with a "PLANT!" Next thing I know I felt a small weight in me "plant" I heard him say while sobbing "I'm alright plant I'm here" I told him while hugging him

I heard the door creak open a bit to see David he seemed like he hasn't noticed me being awake he got close to me while still looking down "Plant come on get of off Mario" he said you could tell that he was very tired "Plant!" David sighed before he looked up "Hi.. David"

He was for a few minutes before he went to be and hugged me "Ow" I felt more pain as David hugged me "Ah sorry I..." he didn't finish but he kept eye contact I could see the bag under his eyes 'Has he been up all night?' I have him a smile I have never seen David act like this though I've been injured in front of him many times but he has never cared for me this much but it felt nice

"Wait so You told Richie that you where gonna die and we couldn't do anything?" Kit asked I nodded "So... he did try to help you?" Blake asked "He was pissed when I told him there was nothing we could do" they where silent Kit was looking down and the rest looked at each other

"What happened"

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