chapter 2

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Asher's pov

I was on a bookshelf. It was a odd spot to be but there I was, on a bookshelf.

It was my fifth or sixth attempt at escaping. It was going well until Kelsey decided to leave the meeting early So I did the first thing I could think of, climb the bookshelf.

I was up there for ten minutes before she found me.

"OMG what are you doing up there?" Kelsey called.

I had no response.

"Who are yo-?" a female wolf came out of the meeting room. She had maroon hair and and intense green eyes. She was a little bit older looking then Kelsey. "what is the prisoner doing up there?"

"Like I know" Kelsey said with exasperation

"Prisoner?" I heard a voice come from the meeting room.

It was a male voice that spoke. I couldn't smell him though witch was a bit off putting. He didn't leave the meeting room and made no suggestion of doing so.

"Alpha come help us get this prisoner down" the female called.

"And what makes you think that you can instruct me Scarlett?" The alpha called back.

"Sorry alpha. Can you help us get this prisoner down?" She asked. Her voice was submissive but her face was livid making me chuckle inwardly.

"Why don't you do it?" He asked in a passive tone.

"Cuz he is on the bookshelf" Kelsey said before Scarlett could answer.

"...fine" the alpha called with a exasperated tone.

I heard a chair creak before a handsome mane came out. Despite the fact that he was just in a meeting he was wearing a t-shirt and jeans. His hair was black and mid length, in a ponytail. His eyes were a brilliant sky blue. He looked like he was 25. But what really cought me off guard was the strong sent of cat that was emanating of him. And it wasn't from another cat it was from him self

My inner cat was screaming at me to go to him. My inner cat (Noah)was normally passive and let me have full control but now he was vary pushy. I probably looked like a idiot because Noah was trying to move forward but I was trying to stay on the bookshelf.


Now after what felt like a eternity of fight Noah he took full control. So I was now rubbing the alpha's legs and hissing at the other people in the room.

The alpha was seemingly fighting his inner cat as well but soon he was sitting on the floor petting me and rubbing his face on me.

We sat there for a good amount of time just scenting each other and putting our sent on the other.

Noah who had said nothing but "mate" at me the entire time was now done so he let me have control back. I stop rubbing and look him dead in the eye.

He was now in full control to and was probably calculating what just happened like i was.

"So... what just happened?" Kelsey asked

/ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\ I hope you enjoyed the chapter and yes I know that I did the normal 'main character is the alphas mate' thing but in my defense the alpha is a cat so points there I think. And yes we will come back to that fact later in the story. Bye/ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\

Word count 546

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