Chapter one - passionate fire

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( Song of the chapter - Must Have Been the wind, ⚠️Warning⚠️ described abuse, smoking scars, SH scars, Death )

In a town where every day was like the other, Nia was in her room crying while their mother and father were down stairs fighting again. A loud crash suddenly came from the Kitchen followed by screams of pain. That oddly stopped early, too early and the front door being slammed shut.

Nia looked outside to see her mother getting into her car and speeding away. Now that she knew it was safe for them to go down stairs, they ran down to check on her father. When they got down to the Kitchen, she saw their father passed out on the floor with a bloody wine bottle next to him. This was normal for them but it has never gotten this bad before. Nia grabbed the broken wine bottle from the floor and throw it away, swiping up the shattered pieces and cleaning up the blood on the floor. It seems that instead of just punching it seems that the wine bottle was add to the mix.

Grabbing her father and taking him up to his bedroom sitting him down, then walking to grab some bandages from bathroom to help stop the bleeding that the bottle caused. When suddenly a not so happy thought came to her mind making them stop for a second but only a second. Then continuing to walk to grab the bandages, and running back to their father's side.

Carefully cleaning the cuts on her father, they were always fearful to tell anyone but this got too far. Picking up her phone and calling 911.

(911 person) Hello how can i help you

(Nia) Hi my mother is abusive and my father is bleeding out on his bed

(911) Okay i'm going to need you to calm down and tell me your address

(Nia) Okay sorry, My address is 134 west poppy drive 4511

(911) The cops and medics will be there in 5 mins. Do you want to stay on the line?

(Nia) No i can't i need to take care of my dad but thank you

[call ends]

Running down the stairs to the kitchen to quickly grab her jacket to cover the scars from the cigarettes burn and self harm scars that befalled her. With loud knocks on the door she knew they were there.Opening the door to lead them to their father. The cops were the first there and they asked her where her mom was. Telling them that she drove off in a fit of anger, they asked to see her dad that's when she led them up stairs to her dad who was still bleeding out but lees than before.

When the medics got there it was too late. Her father bled out from the deep cuts everywhere on his body.She was heart broken the thought of living with her mom made her fearful, but the cops would not let that happen. Before she knew it she was at the police office giving a photo of her mom to the cops. The police were sending her home with a police officer named Neil. Giving her a place to live and protection.

Holding on to a stuffed plush her dad gave her, she got in the car to a new home . Walking into the house, she sat on the black fluffy chair that oddly smelled like flowers. The air smelled like a cake that just came out of the oven. Neil walking over said " I know you miss your dad but I can be like a father figure to you. And you no longer have to share a room with anyone you have your own upstairs to the left.". She felt safe with him, like she could do anything but she still misses her dad but it's okay shes never going to be alone again.

Neil showed her to her room it was everything she hoped for. Light purple walls, flooring from an arcade and posters on every wall, With lavender bed sheets. It was much better than her old room. With a broken door ,torn up wall, with a bed too small. She opened the blinds to let wind in. Neil called her down as she slowly walked down, she saw Neil making dinner. she knew she was safe now.

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