Chapter three

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It was very awkward to unpack my stuff, cause everybody was looking at me. I put up my old family pictures and pictures of my mum. I could hear giggling from the other side of the room. I tried to ignore it.

"Stop it!" Emily giggled. Emily was that girl that arrived with Liam, Louis and Harry. She was dressed like slut, mum would have hated meeting her.

Her shorts was very short and I had a feeling that it went far up in her privates. She had pink hair and it was curled into a messy bun. She had a lip piercing and her arms was covered in small tattoos. Unlike Louis, her boyfriend.

Louis had messy, but controlled hair. It had a chocolate brown color. Compared to Emily, he was not covered in hideous tattoos. He had some tattoos on his arms, but not more than that.

Meg. She was very nice dressed. She had a flower skirt on and a top that matched. It looked very pretty and it also showed her nice curves. Compared to Emily and Louis, Meg and Liam looked more natural, except the makeup,  and sweet.

Than it was that last boy. Harry was his name. He had curly and very dark hair. His eyebrows, lip and nose, had metal stuck in them. It was hideous how his tattoos covered his upper arms and upper chest. The tank top he was wearing showed a lot of the tattoos. One of them said "Angel", probably his girlfriend or something. I should probably stop worrying about all the tattoos the people in the room had and start to mind my own business.

"So, Sandra. Where are you from?" Louis asked suddenly. The awkward silence began again, cause i did not know who he was talking to. I took a deep breath.

"Mrs. Family photos. I am talking to you" He joked. Nobody laughed, so i saw no reason to find it funny.

"I am from Texas, but I have lived most of my life in New Hartford" I described. I wanted to tell him that my name was Sydney and that he got it wrong, but i did not want to irritate him the first time we ever met.

"So, you are kind of a farmer? What are you doing at a college?" Harry commented. Wow, that was the first thing he ever said to me and it kind of hurt to hear him insult my family already. I just rolled my eyes and continued to unpack my clothes. He started laugh for himself like he just won an argument.

What a loser.

After all the struggle with clothes, i could finally lay down and relax. The boys and Emily had left and it was just Meg and I again. She was getting ready for a meeting with Liam and just put on more and more makeup on her already pretty face.

I took up my school schedule and looked at when i had different classes. Tomorrow i had english, math and artwork. Artwork was one of my extra subjects. I like to be creative and to make my creativity come to life. That is my best hobby.

I could not wait to get started with the classes and start to study. The best nights are when you can watch netflix and study. That is great.

"I am leaving now" Meg interrupted my thoughts. I just nodded and hoped she would leave fast so i could call mum. I wanted to tell her about how it looked here and about Meg. Not just Meg, but Louis too. How many tattoos he had and how many piercings Harry had. And of course about Emily.

Meg left the room very fast after she said she was leaving. When the door closed behind her, I quickly reached out for my purse. I started to dig around for my phone. After finding my keys three times in a row, i finally found my phone. I searched through my contacts for the number. I clicked on the call button and placed the phone near my ear. It beeped three times before she answered.

"Hey honey! Tell me everything" she almost screamed.

"The school looks amazing. My dorm is amazing, but my roommate have some interesting friends that i want to tell you about" I started.

"Mhm" she responded.

"First of all it is Meg, my roommate. She is very nice. She dresses natural, but uses too much makeup. Her boyfriend Liam is very similar to Meg. Than there is Emily. She is dressing like a slut. Her shorts goes straight up in her privates. She also has a lot of tattoos and a piercing. Her hair is pink too. Louis, her boyfriend, is similar to Emily. But not that many tattoos" I took a deep breath before continuing. "Than there is Harry. He has curled, almost black hair. Both of his arms is covered in tattoos and his face is made out of metal" I explain.

"Do not mess around with those people, okey?" Mum asked. I gave her a promise before saying goodnight.

I took a look at the room and saw the difference between our sides. Meg had dark colors and posters of rock bands, but i had light colors and family photos. If I just stayed away from her friends, this school year would be great.

I think.

(I hope you liked the chapter. I made this a little longer than the others and i had a lot of fantasy today.

Comment what you think, that helps a lot.

*Not edited*

- Andrea)

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