°A Kiss°

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Douma's POV:

As I continue to talk about myself in front of akaza, I can see clear irk marks(thinks thats what this thing is called→💢) on his face, he kept a calm face but not so good at hiding his anger tho- I then changed the subject to what he likes and dislikes.

Douma's Mind:

Imagination Note:
What he likes: strawberry, strawberry and vanilla flavored sweets but prefers strawberry more, strong people, women, pink, blue and yellow colors, fireworks(fireworks are canon i think— the other things aren't canon except for the women tho- he respects them)

What he dislikes: his co-worker 'which I think is me'

Still Douma's POV:

'Wait he only dislikes me in my male form?' I thought to myself, he begins to change the subject and talks about other stuff, he starts to ask more about me, and I just tell him a fake story of my past

Akaza's POV:

as akuma starts to talk about her past, I then hear a rustle in the bushes. I look at where I had heard it but saw no one, when I turn back to look at akuma she looks at me confused "why are you looking at the the other direction akaza-san?" She asks "oh, it's nothing I thought I heard a noise.." I replied "oh, ok!" She says as she continues telling her past,

A few hours later
Time: Sunrise

Still Akaza's POV:

As I was talking with her I notice the sun was beginning to rise, I quickly got up and apologized to her because I needed to leave, after we said our quick goodbyes I left. After I ran for 5 seconds I looked around at my surroundings to see if anyone was there but no one, I then called out nakime's name and I was immideatly teleported to my room by a single strum of her biwa, I locked the door and flopped on my bed trying to fall asleep, but of course a certain someone had come to annoy me, it was upper two douma, that blonde bastard barge into my room greeting me with that sickly sweet voice of his, I groaned in annoyance and tried to cover my ears and fall asleep like I did yesterday but that didn't work, because right before I could place my hands on my ears he stopped them and leaned closer to one of my ear and said "ohayo!~ akaza-dono, I just wanted to ask you if you wanted to spend some time together~" I could feel his hot breath on my ear, "go away you prick! Like hell I'd spend time with you! Now get the fuck out of my room so I can sleep!" I shouted at him while pushing him away, I don't know why but my heart started to beat non-stop when he was close to my ear, it was the same non-stopping speed when I was with akuma, 'wait no don't tell me- NO! THERE'S NO WAY IN HELL I AM IN LOVE WITH THIS DUMBASS!!' I shouted in my mind, I pushed douma outside of my bedroom and blocked the entrance with my wardrobe since he broke my fucking door, I sighed in annoyance and went back to my bed and tried to fall asleep again, this time I was successful and fell asleep but before I could I can hear douma saying "Your no fun akaza-dono!" But I didn't care and went to sleep

Douma's POV:

"Your no fun akaza-dono!" I shouted outside of akaza's room, guess he must have fallen asleep since I didn't hear him shout a reply, so I just went back to my room locked the door and flopped on my bed, my face hitting the fluffy pillows and my stomach was facing the bed while my eyes were closed, I tried falling asleep but my chest began to hurt I sat up in annoyance 'ugh! This clothing is starting to hurt my breasts!' I thought to myself. I thought of changing my clothes into comfortable female ones but if someone suddenly barges in while I was still sleeping might know about my secret, so I just changed into one of my hoodies that were for males, it was okay I guess, it was quite comfortale to be honest. I then flopped on my bed again this time my back was facing the bed, I put my big blanket over me and started to drift off to sleep

Douma's Big Secret [ Akaza x F!Douma ] [ AkaDou ]Where stories live. Discover now