Strange Player

120 9 111

Steve heads out for his second day of search with the Adventurers while Herobrine recalls his first meeting with Steve.


The voice came right before the touch, which jerked Herobrine awake.

His eyes wide, he shot up in his bed and immediately grimaced, barely stifling a yelp as familiar pain pierced his shoulder. Glancing up, he caught Steve's guilty blue eyes looking at him.

"I'm leaving now. I'll see you later." The Miner said quietly and gave startled Herobrine an apologetic smile. Herobrine hastily forced his scowl into a lack of expression and blinked at the windows in confusion.

It was already morning. Early rays of the sun streamed into his room through the windows curtains. He had slept so deeply in this false sense of safety that he didn't even perceive the Miner approach him. Frowning a little, he glanced back at Steve and curtly nodded to him. It was time for yet another day of ruse that this Human would pretend on his behalf.

The Human looked ready, his sturdy boots on his feet and wearing a long-sleeved jersey this time over his usual cyan shirt – both he and Herobrine thought it best that during his work with the heroes, Steve should not draw their attention to his strange resemblance to Herobrine, which neither Steve nor Herobrine could yet explain.

"All right. I'll be back a little past noon. And those kids won't come back until next week, after the heroes leave. I told them that I'm now working for them. You should have seen their faces!" Steve grinned wider, excitement shining in his eyes despite his attempt to remain calm. He was truly looking forward to another day with those players, intent in their hunt for Herobrine.

Herobrine didn't notice another scowl appear on his face until he saw guilt return to Steve's face, dampening his excitement a little. He forced himself to calm. His jealousy for this human's attention truly had no rational grounds.

Making an indeterminate humph, Herobrine plopped back down on his bed and again winced, barely stifling an oath. His current deplorable condition was difficult to get used to. Still, he felt noticeably better after so many hours of rest.

Giving him another reassuring nod, the human headed out the door, leaving it slightly ajar the way Herobrine preferred it. Herobrine heard his heavy steps across the wooden floor and then the door swung open.

"Um... Herobrine?" The Miner raised his voice, sounding a bit uncertain. "Should I lock it?"

Herobrine smirked a bit. The human's continued thoughtfulness was touching.

"No. Leave it open." He slightly enhanced his voice to make it carry across. The slightly echoing quality sent a shiver through Steve's body and brought a slight frown to his face, stirring unpleasant memories. He forced them back down, shaking his head a little, as he pulled the door closed and slightly stepped off the porch.

He pulled out the enchanted pickaxe instead and looked at it. The memory of treasures emerged, glinting in the walls of the hidden enclosed clusters that they found. Steve's eyes lit up and a slight smile re-appeared on his face.

Already looking at the Miner through the eyes of the spider, whom he positioned in the tree right next to the house, Herobrine couldn't help an amused huff.

Player. Although a very strange one.

Giving his lent pickaxe a look of appreciation, Steve swung it so it came to rest on his shoulder. Stepping off with a light stride, he moved into the woods. Unlike yesterday, today he had agreed to meet the heroes by one of the other discovered entrances into the caves, closest to the point from where they could resume their search.

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