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Park Jimin may hates or shows a deattachment towards everything and everyone in this world . People say that ice cubes accept their defeat over cold blooded Park Jimin . He has the ability make a full crowded room slienced by just his shoe tapping on the floor. His one glare and you're so done.

But there's one thing he loves and bound to protect for his life . He would do anything for her . He always thinks she is the best . He loves her smile . The smile that make him smile too . He would do anything to see her star - like eyes when she's happy .

That's his twin sister , Park Chaeyoung .

His Rosé .

Just like other twin siblings , they always fought over such silly things . Although many fights happen , they didn't forget one thing .

They didn't forget to fight over who was born first . Everyday they were bickering about that . The funniest thing was that they both know Jimin is the eldest by a minute . But they loved those stupid fights and especially warm hugs to each other .

Jimin and Rosé love each other very well . Sometimes they can sense if something is wrong with either of them . Both of them are very good looking and well mannered too .

And there was another thing . Both Rosé and Jimin could sing . Both of them had angelic voices which almost appreciated by every person. They always sing when they are together . Jimin only sings when he is alone with Rosé . Unlike Rosé who loved to showcase her golden voice whenever she got the chance , Jimin was kind of shy. So Jimin just focused only on writing and lyrics more . He always dreamt of a day Rosé singing a song composed by him .

Dreams do come true . Or do they ?

When they both were sixteen ,one day  Jimin heard someone sniffing. He poked his head into the room only to find Rosé there .

" Rosie - Posie , are you upset over something ? " Jimin asked .

" N- no . Go away " Rosé said without looking at Jimin.

" Oh now you have secrets to hide from me Rosie? " Jimin asked concerned. His sister always looked happier. But now she looked not-so .

" Nothing - nothing happened " Rosé answered.

" So something has happened " Jimin sat on a chair . " Tell me now what happened ? "

" Well " Rosé sniffed again . " You know that boy Dan ? "

" Mm ...had heard about him " Jimin tries to recollect what does he knows about Dan . Suddenly Jimin realized something .

" Oh my god the school bastard ! Rosie now do not tell me you like him ! " Jimin snapped .

" No - no " Rosé stutterd. " The other way around "

" Explain "

" He asked me to be his girlfriend "

" So you said ? "

" I said I can't . But now I'm afraid as he said something like ' I will get you later '

" I will get him later " Jimin muttered with curled fists .

" Please don't " Rosé glared at him . " You . Should. Not . Be . Involved. In. Fights . "

" But Rosie "

" NO ! "

" Alright " Jimin rolled his eyes . " Mom ! "

" Shut up " Rosé hit his arm playfully.

" Okay " Jimin stood up and gave Rosé a side hug . " Sleep well , we have school tomorrow "

" You too "

Life went smoothly after that conversation. Rosé looked much happier too . Dan and his gang also kept their distance.

Their life was flowing calmly . So calmly . Just like the calm nature in the environment before a hurricane come and destroy everything.

Including flowers . Including Roses .

One day when Jimin came home from his football  practices, his parents were in distress .

" What happened mother ? "

" Chaeyoung did not come home yet . I called her friends Jisoo and Yeji but they said she is not with them . Father went to search for her "

" Shit " Jimin sweared . He ran to call his friends Taehyung and Eunwoo . With them, he started to search for his sister .

By night , the whole town was searching for her . If a visitor come to the town at that moment they will be afraid that those torches are to burn him . Jimin , Taehyung and Eunwoo were searching for her too until Taehyung got a call from his sister asking them to meet everyone at the city woods .

When they arrived there they could hear whispers of some people . They looked incredibly pset and sad . To their surprise there was police too . Suddenly Jimin saw his mother , who was also sobbing  mess at that time . Jimin didn't waste a minute and ran to her .

" Mother , Mother , What's happened ? " Jimin kneeled in front of her while she was holding sby their cousin Sooyoung who named as Joy by family .

But after that day Sooyoung didn't live up to her nickname .

" Chae...Chaeyoung ..." His mother gestured somewhere still sobbing . Jimin slowly turned his head towards where she gestured just to break himself .

" ROSIE ! " Jimin cried before running towards unconscious Rosé on the ground. He didn't care about any stupid barriers that have put by police department of the city . He took Rosé to his arms accelerating his cries more . But the damage was already done .

Hurricane already damaged that particular Rose. It has snatched out its soft yet fragile petals .The petals were torn and everywhere around her  The hurricane has hurt to the core very badly . The Rose was muted that so she has expressed her pain by bleeding crimson red enough to make a pool in mesmerising her name .

Jimin cried her name cradling her in his arms . But she didn't hear any of them . She had heard many things that she shouldn't hear . That things she did not deserve to hear in past few hours . His tears fell on her face highlighting the tear stains she already had . His tears fell on her body making the blood stains go away . His hot tears fell on her providing her proper temperature to her cold body . He slowly started to kissing her wounds , still crying and calling her name .

" Rosie , look at me please "

The only response was her breathing sound .

Others couldn't bear the scene going on right then . Everyone knew about the bond between these twins . The mother has already fainted as she couldn't see her both children are suffering.

The paramedics came after all . When they tried to take Rosé to the hospital, Jimin protested a lot . Mr . Park had to come forward and free Rosé from Jimin without looking at their faces .

Since he knew he is going to break down if he did so . He had to be strong for his beautiful little family .

“ Jimin , they'll look after Rosie very well . She is now in good hands. I promise we can visit her too . She will be back with her beautiful smile and voice "

We can trust fathers , aren't we ?

" Everything will be alright Jimin . We'll be happy again "

It will be if Eunwoo didn't overheard Dan and his minions celebrating that night .

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