Chapter 3

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Ivy, Rafaella and Zora all walked out the bathroom. As Rafaella said, Neymar was there, waiting for his younger sister.

"Finally." Neymar put his phone back into his pocket, while Rafaella rolled her eyes.

Then, Neymar's gaze fell on the other two girls coming out as well. His eyes widen as he realised Ivy being one of them.

Ivy thought she was ready to tell him everything, but as soon as she saw his surprised expression, her confidence disappeared. Ivy said goodbye to Rafaella and got out of there, leaving Rafaelle confused.

"Aren't you going to tell him?" Zora asked Ivy. "She's going to tell him." She added. Ivy stopped walking. "I don't care anymore. He can do whatever he wants with that information." Ivy told her sister, in a soft tone.

Zora said nothing back and walked with her sister back to the car. "I ruined our night out, sorry." Ivy apologised.

Zora smiled softly, "Nah, it was a hella of a night. Didn't expect to meet Rafaella like that." She joked.

Ivy let out a chuckle. "Neither did I."
"Let's go to my house, we can watch movies and eat ice cream." Zora suggested. And Ivy nodded with a warm smile.

The next day:

Ivy was laying in her bed, while Carlos laid on her chest. Ivy stroked his hair, while she scrolled through social media.

"It's boring, mama." Carlos said.
"Ezra and Zora will be here soon, be patient." Ivy said, still on her phone. Carlos only groaned.

"Did you hear it?" Carlos asked his mother. "What?" She said, confusingly. "Someone rang the doorbell!" Carlos hopped out of bed.

He ran down stairs, excited, thinking it's Ezra. "Who are you?" Carlos questioned the person in front of him. Ivy rushed to the door, only to see Neymar.

"Hey, Ivy." Neymar said. Ivy stood there, shocked. Carlos was muddled and asked again, "Who is this?". Ivy gluped before answering. "Carlos, please go to your room." She demanded.

With no arguments, Carlos listened to his mother and walked up the stairs. "What are you doing here?" Ivy questioned.

Neymar scoffed. "Rafaella told me."
"I know she did. What are you going to do?" Ivy narrowd her eyes.

"I want to know why you hid my own child from me for whole 4 years." Neymar said. His tone was gentle and he was surprisingly patient about the situation.

Ivy thought it'll go differently. Maybe a few yelling there and there, but no, Neymar spoke gently and only wanted to see his son.

"And I want to talk first." He added. Ivy nodded. She opened the door wider for him to enter. Then, she lead him to the living room.

"Okay, talk." Ivy said, a serious expression on her face. Neymar seated himself in front of her.

"When did you give birth to Carlos?" That was Neymar's first question.

"2.6.2018." Ivy replied.

Neymar nodded his head, "why didn't you tell me?" He asked.

Ivy thought of what she should say. When she got pregnant, she thought he won't want to take care of Carlos with her, since he broke up with her.

"You broke up with me, which made me think you won't want to be with Carlos and I." Ivy spoke slowly.

Neymar stayed quiet. He lowered his head, looking at his shoes for a few minutes. Ivy remained silent as well and waited for him to speak.

"It's not that I wanted to break up with you." Neymar said, still his head lowered. "I was just busy with my career, but that doesn't mean I don't want to be part of my own childs life."

Guilt kicked in again, the guilt Ivy always feels. "You're right. I'll understand if you'll want to spend time with Carlos whenever you want." Ivy said.

A smile formed on Neymar's face, greatful to hear those words. "Thank you, Ivy. Can I see him now?" He asked.

Ivy nodded her head in response and got off the couch, to Carlos's room. There, he was playing with his favorite toys.

"Hey, honey." Ivy smiled at her son, playing in the cutest possible way. Carlos looked at his mother, and noticed the same man beside her.

"This is Neymar, Your dad." Ivy gustured at Neymar. Carlos had confusion written all over his face. "Huh?" Was all he could let out.

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Hope y'all enjoyed!
Thank you for reading!! <3

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