
109 6 16

Art by CryprusDraegon, the most wonderful dragon artist on DevianArt (Not by me) (I wish)

My opinion: Eh.

I don't really care much about what happens to the ship, but I do like writing from Peril's perspective. I haven't found a lesbian I approve of to hook her up with, though.

Like, if they broke up, I'd feel sad  because Peril would feel sad, but that's me liking Peril.

I don't know about feeling sad for Clay, 'cause he's never admitted anything about Peril but hasn't said he doesn't love her, but uh... Honest opinion, I don't care too much about Clay anyway...

It's not that I don't care about him because he might not like Peril back, it's because I just generally don't identify with him, so I wouldn't feel sad for HIM whether or not he likes Peril.

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