Night One

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I tossed and turned in my sleep eventually finding myself scrolling through ninjago news. Everyone else on the bunk was asleep and didn't seem to notice. I quietly climbed down the ladder to go wash my face. I snuck out to the bathroom and began to do so. I turned the faucet and began splashing it in my face. I turned to the mirror, it showed a tired Kai and something purple in the background. I immediately turned off the water and spun around to the doorway. Nothing there. Weird.

'I should make sure no one is here just in case' I thought to myself. I quickly scanned the house and then came to the basement. I opened the door with a flashlight in hand that I picked up in the kitchen.

It seemed all clear but there was a small toy shaped thing in the corner. I flashed the light to the corner and saw a purple hedgehog looking thing. I walked toward it and held it in my right hand with the flashlight in the other. After looking at it a little more, it became apparent that it was one of those TattleTail toys. Every kid in Ninjago wanted one. I assume someone sent it as a gift by accident or something.

"Weird." I said.

"Feed Me." I nearly dropped the toy. I sighed in annoyance and flipped it to take out the batteries but they wouldn't budge. The box was nowhere to be found.

"What am I supposed to do?? Maybe if I feed it, it'll shut up." I was way too tired to be nice to a talking toy let alone take care of it for the rest of the night. I carried the toy up the stairs and into the kitchen to find a plate of food with 'feed me' on it. Ignoring the paper I took a small piece of food and fed the toy. I waited another minute to make sure it was all good. I took it back to the basement and set it on a desk. I began walking away only to hear the toy again. The toy began speaking again. I just ignored it and started walking away again.

A red glow excreted from the kitchen. I quickly but silently dove behind the table. I gave a peek at the red glow. It was at least six foot eight. An entire foot taller than me. It was brown and looked just like the purple one. Then the glow just disappeared.

'Is it gone..?' I stood up ready to fight and saw a note. The note read 'Feed, Groom, Charge.' With the original box beside it. This was getting strange..

I held the flashlight in my hand and rushed back to the basement. The tattletail was where I left it. I sighed in relief and put the tattletail in the box and folded it back. The flashlight began to go out, in a hurry I shook it again and turned it back on. It was so loud. Not loud enough to wake the other ninja but probably heard by that way too tall toy. I rushed back into the bedroom with Cole, Jay, Lloyd, and Zane in it. They were all asleep. Which in my case I am very thankful for.

I again climbed up the ladder and checked my phone.

'5:58!?' I was up practically all night. No point in sleeping if I have to wake up in two minutes. I spent it looking at TikTok. I looked at myself through my camera. I look awful. I had bags under my eyes.

—-- 6:00 —---- No One POV

The alarm clock began going off and everyone was waking up, well everyone but Kai since he was up all night. Jay was the first to get out of bed.

"Good Morning! I heard Zane is cooking breakfast." That got Zane out of bed.

"Correct. I will go start on that." Zane got out of bed and went to the kitchen.

Cole yawned and got out of his bed alongside Lloyd. Kai was still in his bed barely awake scrolling through an off screen.

Cole held his hand on Kai's top bunk railing. Kai's eyes were closed but his fingers kept tapping at the phone as if it were on. "Hey Kai?? You ok dude?"

Kai snapped out his trance and nodded tiredly. "Yeah, I guess I'm just exhausted from last night." Cole raised an eyebrow at that.

"What happened last night?" Lloyd asked. Jay and Cole sat attentively at the foot of the bed.

"I went to wash my face when I saw this little purple thing in the mirror so I went to check around the monastery and eventually checked the basement where I found this purple toy thing and there was a giant brown thing in the kitchen with a note that said 'Feed, Groom, Charged. Weird, right?"

The trio took a few seconds to think about it before bursting into laughter. "Are you ok? That sounds like you had a dream."

Kai frowned. "No, I'm serious! Whatever."

Kai got out of bed and began brushing his teeth in the bathroom while the other ninja were waiting for breakfast. Another sat on the sink it read 'Night 1 Finished' Kai let out a sharp exhale.

"No, It's fine.. Probably, right?."

893 Words 

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