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The next day was very gloomy day for Jin..' he mind was not working properly due to Jungkook gave bitter statements..'to him at last night.
He didn't came out from his room he locked up himself and crying so horribly..'

jungkook knew it why Jin didn't came out from his room from morning onwards..' he was internally so happy..' and he felt like a won something biggest achievement..'
and remaining work was he have to approach jimin and ask his forgiveness and make his again..' so many wicked plans are echoing in jungkook's head.

Jimin also didn't came down he felt so tired and taking some rest it was all his pregnancy mood swings..' his heart flutters when he think about Jin hyung proposal..' and the way he said emotional words it's totally melts his heart..' he really liked this new feeling. Single second also he didn't remember jungkook..' now he totally fell in love with his Jin hyung..' a small blush appeared on his face..' he felt so happy.." he can't wait for his new beginnings with his Jin hyung and with his little prince..'

"Little did he know his ex-boyfriend ruined everything with his dirty plans to Jin hyung.." poor Jin heart was now completely broken.."

On the other side taehyung was in his room thinking so briefly how to make things well with jimin..' he need his soulmate now he want good things like before.' He want to ask forgiveness from his jiminiee..' the way he betrayed his soulmate is unforgivable thing..' but still he will wait for him but one thing if things go well between from him and jimin then he will never leave his side..' he promised himself and closed his eyes he palmed his face and crying so badly..'

Jin Slowly get down from his bed and went to washroom for freshen up.
He wore comfortable clothes and went down to check his jimin..'
Before he's going to his room jungkook was standing near the wall and folding his arms on his chest and looking at Jin with evil smirk.

Jin looked at him with irritated face and didn't care about him and walking towards jimin's room..

"Look someone is crying for my baby over night..?" He mocking at him with proud face.

Jin didn't even glare at him.. and rolled his eyes and continued his walking..' when he was going he suddenly stopped in his tracks when he heard jungkook's words..'

"For one day you're being like this which I just said truth..' but will happen one day me and jimin will be together and stay happily..' then what will you do hyung..? Will you cry daily..? He said while chuckling..'

Jin heart clenched when jungkook said those words to him. even he don't know why he felt like it's going to be happen..' but still he had small hope..' about his true love..
Jin shuts his eyes try not fall his tears. He breath heavily before he speaks with jungkook..

Then Jin turn at jungkook side and looking at him. Jungkook was looking at him with evil smirk..' Jin felt very angry at him he really want to punch his face hardly..' he want to erase that dirty smirk on his face.

"Look jungkook I was really believed in god and mainly on my pure sincere love..'' if I really had bad fate I can accept that..' with my heavy heart.!

If in case what will you do if I win..? What will you do if jimin really accept my love and he feels my love..?
True love never be end jungkook..' it will win at any time..'
like you perverts who will play with innocent people feelings and using their bodies.. making them pregnant and leaving them in hard situations can't understand the value of love..' jungkook..' and you especially you don't know what's the meaning of true love..' you don't deserve his pure love in this life.

Jungkook smirk dropped off and looking at him anger face..'

And still I don't know why you came into life again..' Jin said in stern voice..'
can't you see him happily..? Still you want to destroy his life..? What mind games are you playing now you basturd..? Jin burst out..'

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