Today is when I'm going to ask rose if she wants to come, so I walked inside and sat next to her. She smiled so calmly, and slowly I said to her," rose hay... i.. was... wondering.. i..f u would... like... t...o to my party?" I was so scared she didn't say anything for 3 seconds!! She smiled at me and said," I would love to when is it molly?" I jumped in joy and said," well it's today after school at my house there will be my two friends and u if ur coming?" She said yes and she will be there, I was so happy when I heard this. This would be the first time someone popular would come to my party, I just didn't have time to tell my friends. When they showed up I told them that rose is coming and the gasped. What!! Shouted Milly. I told her to calm down and stay there so I can get this call which someone is call me on. I said," hello... who is this?"It's me molly I'm sorry I might be late or not be able to come." "What why?"
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I was so sad when I found out she couldn't come. I stayed in my room all night and the weekend. But she massage me something it's a lot paragraph's saying read this alone please don't tell anyone sos rose. I got scared is she in trouble, is she hurt or is there something going on. So I went into a safe room and closed the door and I opened the note and read it.. said...