In Case

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It was the perfect day. The sun was shining and life was filled with hope. Both Will and I felt the love growing inside of us. Love for life, for summer, and most importantly each other. We were unstoppable.

"This is the life," he said while he with a happy sigh laid down on his back on the blanket we put on the grass. With his arms crossed behind his neck, and his eyes staring up at the clouds, he looked better than ever. I smiled down at him.

"This is our life," I answered, and I promise you that I couldn't smile any wider than I did in that moment.

Will looked back at me, he also wore a brilliant, beautiful smile. We had been in the park for almost two hours, but nothing made us want to go home ever again. The summer offered sun until late at night, and we had promised each other to make the most of it before autumn came with its coldness and rain. I wore my white dress and he had a dark blue shirt that I always loved when he wore. His brown hair fell down over his forehead and I couldn't resist the temptation to stroke it away from his eyes. His irresistible brown eyes burnt into my soul every time he looked at me, and I could stay in that moment forever.

"You are so beautiful... I can barely understand that you're here with me," he whispered. It was almost as if he were reading my thoughts out loud. If I hadn't already been so happy I felt like I could burst, I would definitely be that now. He was amazing. Will was my everything.

Before we eventually tore us away from our spot in the park I took a quick picture of him with my phone; I couldn't resist. He had just put on his black leather jacket- still with a smile playing on his lips- and was on his way to tell me something. I never got to hear what it was, because I was mesmerized by how beautiful the picture turned out. It was so spontaneous, so ingenious, yet not even close to as beautiful as he was in real life. No pictures could do him justice, I already knew that, but it was like a shock every time I got yet another evidence. I feel asleep happy that night, unaware that this was just the calm before the storm; the thing that would come to ruin me beyond repair.

The summer was over in a blink of an eye, and the autumn surrounded us with rain, coldness, as well as many cosy nights in front of our TV and fireplace. Life hadn't got any worse since summer, even though I missed the warmth and the late evenings in the park. This was yet another evening when we were sat on the sofa, with his arms around me. Will's arms made me feel like I was at the completely right place in the world, and that was a feeling I never wished to lose. After all, we had experienced together I knew that no place in the world could make me feel as secured and protected as I felt whenever he was close. If it so was on the edge of a cliff or in a raid shelter; all it took was his presence and his arms holding me. While we were sat there he started to draw circles on my arm with his fingers. The feeling made me shiver.

"I would like to talk to you about something..." he said carefully to me after a long time of just comfortable silence.

"Mm?" I hummed as an answer. Just like on that lovely day in the park I never wanted to leave the feeling I felt at that exact moment. I was confident that nothing even had a chance to take that away from me, but I couldn't be more wrong.

"You remember Tom, right?" he started. "You know the guy we met at the beach this summer who had been travelling around the world?"

I smiled at the memory; Tom had been a very talkative man who told the most amazing stories about all the different places he had visited, and all the different people he'd met. Half of it was probably made up, Will and I even made a bet on it, but in spite of this, he was very good company and a person that I come to like a lot.

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