part one - skateboard

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hi my nameis dave gorhl and i am the drummer for this indie folk band called nirvana. no one has ever ehard of us and we are all super cool. 

while i am in nirvana, i also have this suuuuppperrr cool band called the foo fighters. it is jsut me ane my friends from nirvana an aslo this other band i think caled free rela estate. i hate my drummer. he is bad at frumming even though he is ACTUALLy good sometimes. his name is will. my other firneds arenamed pat and nate. oh yeah, and my friends from inrvana are named kurt and chris or krist or kris, i don't remember because i am a little bit silly.

anyway, one day, i was skateboarding with my SUPER EPIC friend nammed johnny knoxville from"hi i'm johnny knoxville, welcome to jackass!!" who is super cool. he is tall and buff, unlike me. i am tall and really skinny with long hait and i have teeth.  johnny is super good at skateboarding and can do all kinds of cool things but i am dumb and can barey do an ollie bacause i am dumb. 

sometimes in california, it gets really hot so johnny and i crop out shirts to let out stomachs breathe. or else they get anfry sometimes. when johnny and i do this, people make fun of us but i swear it's not because we are gay!! we just like breathign!!! but people don't believe us and call us boyfriends. on this certain day, johnny and i were packing up because it was TOO HOT and i was getting sweaty. suddeny, a guy flew past us un his skateboard. johnny was taking to me but i couldn't hea r him right!! he sept saying:

"dave?? dave!!" and looking at me all weird. i couldn't stop staring at this guy on his skate board. he had blond hair and blue eyes and a beard but his hair was hidden under a bright, apple red, baseball cap which was flipped backwards. he stared back at me, fixated by my abs. i watched as he hit a rock that was on the ground and flew 19 feet into the air. he landed on the ground with a splat, moaning and goraoning. 

"oh em gee!!!" i yelled, pointing at him. 

"what the hell!!!" johnny screamed at the top of his lungs. we ran over to help the guy. his hat had flown off of his head and he was laying on the grounf.

"are you okay???" i asked the beautiful man, even gorgeous as he lay with blood spewing out of his mouth and 3 of his limbs.

"please take me to a h..sopital," he grunted. johnny smoothed his hair out of his face.

"what's your name?" johnny asked, looking very worried.

"fred... fred............. furst........" fred groaned. he coughed and and blood came out of his ears.

"here i have something that wil elp..." i said, pulling a drumstick out of my underwear. i poked him in a few spots an dhe coughed more, more bood came out.

"dave what are you doing!!! we need to take him to a hospital ARR EN!!!" johnny shouted, startung to pick fred up. 

"wait, i know," i said and put my skateboard unfer fred. johnny did the samething and we rolled him to my car which looks like this. 

we then soed to the hopsital and hit several old peole

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we then soed to the hopsital and hit several old peole. none of them died but that's good. johnny kept having to wipe blood off of fred's hat which we saved from the skate park place. fred kept bleeding all over it thogh but you couldn't really tell because it was red anyways.

we finally got to the hospital and.........

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