Chapter two

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 author note: Sorry for not uploading for a year lmao, I cringe reading this, have fun!

  "One? Did Xander not tell you? I have four brothers. You don't have one cousin, you have five." Braden said and I immediately had an internal freak out. I hate men.

   "Are you kidding me?" Audrey asked. She clearly wasn't happy either.

   "It'll be okay guys, if they're dicks I'll just do all of us a big favor and slap them!" Ashley said placing her arms around our shoulders.

   "I wouldn't do that if I were you." Braden replied.

   "Well good thing you aren't me then." Ashley replied. 

    So that's essentially how I met my cousins, story's over folks! Just kidding, that's not what this story is about. The story is about me, and my cousins are just the unfortunately annoying side characters. 

   The rest of that afternoon was full of unpacking, nervous chatting, and overall hell. Every five minutes Braden would come in to pretend like he was helping us, then leave. Over. And. Over. 

   Then at around 1 in the afternoon, things started to get crazy. 

    After hearing the doorbell ring incredibly agressively, sixteen times, I finally decided to open the door, and what I was greeted with, was not a pretty sight. 

   Meet Connor Anderson, the most infuriating little shit to ever exist. 

   "Who the fuck are you?" The boy asked. I immediately noticed his bright red polo, and his neon yellow basketball shorts, not the best fashion choices if you ask me. He looked around Audrey's age, maybe a year or two younger or older, give or take. 

   "Back at you." I replied. 

     "Connor!" Uncle Xander greeted, using his magical teleportation skills, and scaring the living shit out of me. "Connor meet Alex, Alex meet Connor. Connor, this is your cousin Alexandria, she will be staying with us, along with her two sisters, Audrey and Ashlyn."

   "Her name's Ashley." I muttered. 

    "What?" Uncle Xander asked. 

    "You said her name was Ashlyn. It's Ashley." I corrected.

   "That's what I said, Ashley." He said, trying to cover up his mistake, but he was obviously fooling nobody. 

   "You said Ashlyn." Connor replied. "She's right."

   I was starting to like Connor. 

   "Whatever, it doesn't matter. Anyways, Connor, these are Micheal's kids."

   "Who?" Connor replied.

   "My brother, Micheal. Who else would I be talking about."

   "Micheal Jackson?" Connor said, like it was the most obvious reply in the world. 

   "Connor I thought we talked about this. No more being..." Uncle Xander scolded, bringing Connor out of the room.

   Audrey had this incredible talent where she would magically appear any chance she possibly got to talk. And that was frequent. Calling Audrey a chatterbox would be an understatement. 

   "Who are you?" She said, and I turned around to see her staring at Connor's unexpecting face. 

   "Connor Anderson, who the shit are you?" 

   "If you're gonna curse because you're 'big and bad and super mature' at least do it correctly." I didn't realize the front door had opened but apparently it had, and standing there was a little e-boy. 

   Well actually, he wasn't that little, he was a good five inches taller than me, and probably older than me, but his vibes were the least bit intimidating. 

   "Shut up Liam!" So that was his name. 

   "Who are these people?" Ashley asked, attempting and failing to slide down the stairs railing.

   "Our cousins." I replied. "But don't worry, there are more to come."

   "I was so worried!!" Ash said, trying to jump off the railing, but instead falling on her head.

   "Be careful! If you hit your head you might lose some brain cells, and I'm not sure you can afford that." Said Liam, the emo. His pants were basically falling off him and his eyeliner had somehow made its way across his face to his nose. He really shouldn't've said that because if Ash knows anything, it's how to throw a punch. 

   "How brave of you to make that generous assumption after knowing me for less than a minute." Ashley said, getting herself back up off the floor and making her way next to Audrey and I.

   "I know I'm literally Merida," Liam said. 

    "Ew get away!" Ashley screamed. "I'm allergic to gingers." (if you are a specific ginger reading this, you know who you are, this isn't targeted)

   "Well in that case, Braden's the one to be worried about. His awful bleach job makes his hair basically orange." Liam replied, as two more boys walked through the door. These two looked a lot older. One had short curly brown hair and was the walking stereotype of a man in stem, and the other one had long hair who was wearing a completely weather innapropriate outfit.

   "Says you and your shitty box dye." Long hair remarked, fluffing Liam's hair. 

   "Fuck off Danny." Liam shouted, but Danny was already making his way up the stairs. 

"Well, who are these three people?" Mathematician man asked. 


if you read through all this crap ur a massive W

bye bye


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2023 ⏰

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