Rainbows 🌈

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Lexi's POV

I haven't seen dad smile ever since he broke up with my other dad, Callum. I hate seeing him so sad nowadays and what's even worse is that I barely get to see him. All he wants to do is lay around and sulk. I don't think I can really judge him though, after all, I've never experienced a break up and what my dads had was special. I guess love really doesn't last.

Maybe I can fix dad? I'll cheer him up again. Even better, I'll find someone who can cheer him up. Maybe someone like Callum. Someone who my dad can love and who will love my dad. They have to love me too, obviously! But then again, who doesn't love me?!

Almost immediately, I began hatching my plan to make my dad happy again. I'd do anything to get my old dad back again. I just want the dad who played dress up, taught me how to dance and told me stories back again.

A lightbulb exploded in my mind. Bang. That's it. That's how I'm going to cheer him up.

I ventured into the purple living room of Nan's house and found my father in his usual position on the sofa. His eyes were red and watery like he had been crying. He acts so tough but I can always hear him cry late at night when he thinks that everyone is asleep. I don't understand why he's so sad. I'm trying my best to cheer him up. I even told him my favourite story, but that still didn't work!

Okay, maybe that's not entirely true. I mean, I think Nan was awake when he was crying a few nights ago. She went into his room and started talking to him about it. I tried to ask her but she brushed it off like dust. All I heard her say was "you're allowed to be scared and break down, Ben. What he did to you was wrong. He hurt you." I'm still trying to figure out who "he" is but hopefully I'll figure it out one day.

"Daddy," I smiled as I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around him, enveloping him in a hug. I'm unsure of why he flinched at first. Does he not like my hugs anymore? My hugs are supposed to make him feel better, not worse.

Something's definitely not right with him but I can't pinpoint it so I'll just continue on with my plan, "dad? Can we go to the pride event tonight?"

His expression changed as fast as the weather in England and not in a good way. He seemed a little uncomfortable and scared. Very scared. However, he takes after my grandad in that sense because he's very good at hiding his fear. "I can't Lex, I'm tired."

Don't give in, Lexi. Don't let this plan go to waste. He'll do anything for you because you're his little girl. You just have to push enough buttons and then you'll get your own way.

"But dad, it's pride and you're gay, you need to go!" I protested.

He looked at me like he was kind of amused by my attempt, "well, in case you haven't noticed Lex, I'm not really in the mood to be a victim of another attack right now."

"But dad, I've never been to pride! And you never take me anywhere anymore!!"

Luckily, that seemed to work as a small sigh escaped from his lungs and he surrendered, "alright, fine, we'll go. You're such a Mitchell."


I held my fathers hand as we arrived at my first ever pride. Oh my god. This is amazing!! Rainbows are EVERYWHERE. People are wearing rainbows, rainbow decorations are plastered over every available surface and people are even drinking rainbow drinks. What kind of planet am I on?! Why can't it always be like this? Everyone's so happy... maybe my dad can finally be happy here too.

Ben's POV

People. People are everywhere. Everyone's so happy. Why is everyone so fucking happy?! The street is filled with tacky rainbow decorations and everyone is wearing all of the clashing colours of the rainbow. For the first time in my life, I hate pride. I don't want to be here. I'd rather be anywhere else.

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