Video Game lover-Haechan

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Genre: Fluff, Angst (not rlly)

Summary: Haechan loves playing league, and he's always played with this specific person who he'd met in game. The male has grown fond over them all these months they've played together, but when they finally talk outside of the game, he couldn't help but fall when he shouldn't have.


Haechan hopped onto league of legends quickly, excited to play again as he had ranked up with Y/n the night before. "Playing already? You're hopeless hyung" Jisung joked as he passed by the older male sitting in the kitchen. "Let me enjoy my holiday in peace" Haechan chuckled and sent a message to Y/n to hop on the game.

LHC127: hey wanna rank up again tday or casual match?

He typed and waited for a response. They always played around this time, so around a minute later he had gotten a response.

Y02N: casual match if its ok not rlly up to rank again since we were going at it yesterday kkk

Haechan smiled and invited her into the game. From what he could remember, they've been playing together for months, using voice chat every once in a while. He loved hearing her voice and that was another reason he played with her so often.

LHc127: mic?

He typed as the game was counting down, looking for a match, it just took longer than usual for some reason.

Y02N: yea give me a sec

Y02N: start now :)

They've talked way too many times already but he didn't understand why he was always so nervous whenever they'd play.

"Hi Haechan! You ready? I'll carry you today so, bottom or top lane?" her voice was always so pretty, Haechan melts every time. "Yeah, no problem at all, go top so we can farm...I love your voice" he accidentally blurted out. Y/n laughed and then Haechan realized what he had said and felt even worse. "Thanks, it's not everyday that I hear that so I'm thankful you think otherwise" he was smiling like an idiot at this point, he was higher than cloud nine.

This didn't go unnoticed by Chenle and Jisung though. "What's up with him?" Chenle laughed, meanwhile Jisung observed him, he was all smiley and almost giddy?

"I'll see you later Hyuckie, we should formally talk outside of the game for once if you aren't busy...bye!" Y/n bid Haechan goodbye as they ended the call and Y/n logged off the game, so Haechan also took that as his sign to log off as well. When he had finally got up for the first time in three hours, he walked sluggishly towards the living room where Jisung and Chenle resided. They both heard his footsteps and saw him approaching.

"You looked happy a few minutes ago, did something happen?" Chenle laughed as Haechan sat next to Jisung on the couch. He really didn't look like how he was just a while ago. "Y/n's voice is so pretty..." Haechan said in a daze, how was he falling in love over a game? the other two just stared at each other and shook their heads.

That same night, Haechan was nervous to finally call Y/n outside of the game, he wondered if she looked as pretty as she sounded as well. "Hyung are you alright?" Jsiung once again asked the older male, who nodded back despite the anxiousness he felt. "Oh ok, well if you need anything just text me and Chenle, we'll be out to meet Sungchan and Shotaro for a bit..." Jisung bid Haechan goodbye as he heard the door close. He was alone this time, nobody to interrupt him.

Haechan  rubbed his eyes, and that's when he finally got a message from Y/n. Upon seeing the notification, he immediately rushed to fix his appearance to look decent at least and sat back down at the desk, ready to start the call. With clammy hands, he answered and was immediately dumbfounded.

"Hi Haechan! It's finally nice to see you out of the game..." Y/n smiled, she was so beautiful. "Hi Y/n, wow..." he breathed out, he was falling, but he knows he shouldn't be.

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