Chapter 48: WTF toews!

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There was a long pause.


"Yes, Corey. i'm pregnant... and its yours."

"Oh. My. God... I'm gunna be a dad."

"Yeah, Corey. We're gunna be parents."

There was another long pause before I heard,

"Corey, get off your damn phon..." and the line went dead.

Corey's Point Of ViewToews was in the middle of a pep talk when my phone went off. I answered it walking out of the room. Cope and I talked about my games and how i've been playing before I said I had to go. She had just said that she was pregnant, when Captain Serious, himself, walked in and yelled,

"Corey, get off your damn phone! I was trying to tell you guys about something with the playoffs!" He yelled as he grabbed my phone a hung up.

"What the hell, dude! I was on the phone with Cope!" I yelled in his face.

"I'm the captain of this team and you'll do what I tell you to do!" He yelled back at me.

"And i'm the coach, and Jonathan, you'll do what I tell you to." Coach Q said, as he walked into the locker room.

"But, Q! He just got up and left while I was talking!" Jonathan whined.

"Did you ever think that maybe, just maybe he was on the phone because it might be a little bit more important than a speech you have?" Q shot back.

"No, but there can't be too many things that are much more important that me talking right now."

"Jon... Cope is pregnant!" I yelled at him. "I'm pretty sure that qualifies as being WAY more important than your little speech!"


"Yes! My girlfriend is pregnant! And it's my kid!" I yelled back at him as I stormed out of the locker room.

I drove back to my hotel utter silence... no radio, no singing, no talking, no nothing. I was in complete shock that Cope was pregnant. I was gunna be a dad. I'm gunna have a family.

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