His Secret

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Third Person's P.O.V:

Jimin doesn't know how it all ended up like this. One second he was talking to Jungkook while the latter was driving home from work and the next thing he knew he heard a deafening crash from the other side.

His glass of water slid from his hand crashing on the marble tiles along with his heart which he felt plummeting in his stomach.

Minutes after that seems like a haze as he calls an ambulance and screams about the accident and gives Jungkook's location with the help of GPS installed in the latter's cars.

He ran out of the house like a madman without any shoes on and drove the car straight to the location while his heart was thudding in his ribcage as he tried to breathe through the panic clouding his senses.

All he saw when he went there was the ambulance along with some paramedics.

They rushed Junglook to the nearest hospital with him in the back holding his hand tightly as if his best friend would slip away right from his hands if he didn't hold it tighter.

As they were rushing to the hospital all jimin could hear was how they were losing the patient, and jimin wanted to scream.
To scream how it was all so unfair, and to cry for his best friend.

Jimin believed in no God but he was screaming to any God out there to save him.
To save his best friend.


Taehyung was on emergency duty tonight when he heard a frantic call of his name. It was an intern.

"Sir we have a patient on his way. it's an accident, lost too much blood. Found Unconscious on arrival. Their blood pressure is gradually going down and their heartbeat is getting faster with a heart rate of 58 BMP."

The intern narrated professionally as they both made their way to the entrance where the ambulance had already arrived.

He made his way outside with two nurses and a co-doctor and reached for the door handles when they were opened from the inside.
The sight that greeted him left him reeling.


With his clothes drenched in blood and sobbing his heart out.


There was so much blood. Before he could reach for his friend his eyes landed on the patient

And he stumbled back.

He heard somewhere that the patient's heart had stopped beating for a minute or two but he felt like his head was underwater. Everything sounded like an echo and he felt like drowning.

"Taehyung! Taehyung SAVE HIM! PLEASE. YOU, YOU CAN SAVE HIM." he heard jimin screaming at him. shaking him wildly to get him back to his senses.

Suddenly everything came back to him and he was watching his whole world crumbling down


Jungkook, his baby.

Jungkook, his heart.

Jungkook, His Husband.

Something snapped in him as he rushed inside the ambulance as if his life depended on it.

It did.

His will to live was withering away, his heart was leaving him.



"Prepare the deb!" He almost screamed to the nurses accompanying him as he rushed the stretcher out of the ambulance and into the ICU.

His Secret [Taekook ff]Where stories live. Discover now