The Black Widow

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She stepped on to the deck, the deck gave out a squeaky howl under her weight. She cursed and looked back seeing if any light came on, the night sky was slowly turning to day. Everyone wondered why anyone would get up during the day, where the bright Alternian sun could disintegrate anyone into ashes. She sighs, lifting her chin up to the sky, the wind catching her hair. She was waiting for a special someone, who could come and kill her any day as he grew to his adult sweeps, but right now she tried. She tried not thinking about the fateful day, where her life will end by the hands of a wriggler. She bit her bottom lip, the few rays of the burning seeped through and she hissed running back to her chambers. She always figured that other trolls were wimps for not going out to the sun, all the talk were just legends trying to scare trolls. She growled at her self and smoothed out her night gown, the silk running through her fingers. She had business to take care of, she couldn't afford herself being burned by a narcissus thought, she walked past multiple doors and went through the cerulean wooden cut. Their laid another poor soul, a little time before her outing they filled a few buckets, but now he laid down his clothes torn to shreds. They weren't in any quadrants, oh no, but what came next was quite a personal matter. Mindfang walked to her cerulean hooked sword, her reflection shone brightly into it, she smiled going over to the sleeping adult troll. He wasn't a highblood, but handsome enough to capture someones attention and it caught hers oh so easily. She brought the sword blade up with both hands, the tip shining his back pressed against the bed, he sniffled and looked up at her with blurry eyes. Before he knew what happened the sword was plunged into his chest, all he could get out was a slight squeak the blood seeped through the sheets. Mindfang gave out a small laugh and placed a kiss on his cheek, staining his gray lifeless skin with cerulean lipstick. She pushed him off the bed and dragged him out into the hot sun to burn, she changed the sheets grimacing at the smell. She laid down on the new clean bed and her eyes fluttered from exhaustion, she yawned and looked at her blood dripping sword. She would have to clean that soon, she looked under the pillow and felt for her journal. She took it out and thumbed the pages, she wrote down what had happened previously, she wondered if any of her descendants would come up upon this soon. She had no doubts of them being something like her, she considered herself a rebellion or maybe just a neutralists to the difference of high and low bloods.

"May8e....." She yawned, and stretched and brushed the pages of the book and with that the pirate queen slept. You may know her from her dreadful crimes against the highbloods and her assaults on the lowbloods, her crew believe she is more sinister than the Condesce herself. Some call her Black Widow, for she has a nasty bite. Some call her a lover,but even some must call her by what she goes,so farewell and good night to Captain Spinneret Mindfang. The seeker for light......

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2016 ⏰

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