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"Fuck." That was the only thought in Junkyu's mind and he felt himself struggling to keep his eyes open. As his eyes fluttered close, he forcefully opened his heavy eyelids. In the subconscious depths of his mind, he knew that the moment he give in to the irresistible temptation to let his head fall ever-so-comfortable into his arms will lead to him facing a terrifying and almost even bloody red "FAIL" in block letters in Chemistry. He couldn't afford to flunk one more subject. No. He wouldn't let that happen.

But well, sometimes there're situations in which people have absolutely no power or control over what their bodies desire. Unfortunately for Junkyu and his all time low grades, this situation was a perfect example of what having no control looks like. Heck, when the tick-tock from the clock sounds like a sickly lullaby to him. So irritating yet so satisfying to the ears of the half-lidded boy. Unknown to Junkyu himself, he was 2 cm away to bang his head on the table in the most painful way ever. Oh and did I tell you that there was also a boy sitting by his side, watching amusedly at his drowsy state? Well if I didn't then, now you know.

A slight panic rushed into him, evident from his eyes went wider and his protective boyfriend instincts took over as he immediately slipped his hand under the gap between Junkyu's head and the table. A small sigh of relief left his lips and with the free hand he reached into his bag warily not to let the hand cushioning Junkyu's head move even the slightest bit. He grabbed a fresh sweater that he kept to go the library. The library was always a cold place and the last time Haruto went there without an extra layer, he felt like his flesh was going to freeze and fall off. But if Junkyu can sleep comfortably, he sure doesn't mind temporarily turning into a skeleton. I mean, it's Junkyu. Of course, it's worth it.

After gently placing the sweater under the sleeping male's head, he slowly withdraw his hand with his nose scrunching up cutely from trying not to wake the latter up. Haruto low-key felt a wave of pride when he successfully took his hand out without Junkyu having a single clue. He stared for a brief moment with a smile stretched upon his face and eyes sparkling with pure adoration and endearment, until he heard a "Note this down for your upcoming finals." from the tip of his ears. With a silent groan, he unwilling stepped out of his reverie and shifted his focus back onto the lecture.

Break time approached without Junkyu even noticing. Soon when a sharp ray of light came shining into his eyes, he forced his eyes open. He looked up to see a familiar figure. Park Jeongwoo.

"Hyung, did you really slept through the whole lecture? Again?" he asked.

"Wait what? What do you mean?"

"Look at the time. It's already 15 mins into the break."

"Fuck. No. Arggh, I swear to god. I really tried to focus this time. But the professor, he was just blabbering on and on about his stuff," Junkyu groaned, tugging at the roots of his hair from frustration.

Jeongwoo patted his head in sympathy. "Hyung, honestly not being asleep doesn't exactly get that far either" in hopes of cheering the disappointed boy, but it didn't seems like he helped much.

"Look, all I'm saying is cheer up. It's not the end of the world." he explained and broke out into in a smile when he saw Junkyu nod in surrender.

"Hang in there, Hyung!" the now-cheerful Jeongwoo yelled as he dashed out of the class.

Junkyu, feeling a little better, started to pack his Chemistry books and take out the books for the next subject. Unexpectedly, his hands came into contact with a soft, fleecy material. Confused as ever, he jerked his head to his table and a familiar sweater appeared into sight. Once he let the situation sink in, he, now with the sweater secured in his arms and against his chest, sprinted out of the class faster than the speed of light and screeching a series of "sorry"s to people he jostled.

As if someone pushed the brakes, Junkyu's feet came to a screeching halt when he caught a glimpse of the library door. He might be in a hurry but he's not that dumb to run into the goddamned library like it's nobody's business. With large strides, he quickly walked over to a slightly shrinking Haruto. Noticing the latter's presence, Haruto looked up. He was honestly pretty impressed by how little time the latter took to pick up the situation. He expected to rot in the corners while looking for a book that he didn't even know existed in the library for the entire break.

"Oh, hey there, Hyung." he said as casually as his voice can go, trying to cover up the small shivering noises.

Junkyu, who was now slightly panicked, threw the sweater on the taller's body. But after seeing Haruto blink repeatedly with questioning eyes, he carefully slipped it onto his frame.

"o-Oh! This..." Haruto muttered in realization. "It's fine. I w-wasn't that c-cold anyways," he stuttered because he was actually freezing but also because he felt his heart fluttered by the act of care from his boyfriend.

"You're like terrible at lying, Ruto-ya"

"I'm not though?"

Junkyu side-eyed him, feeling a bit annoyed because Haruto's kept denying.

"Okayyy... maybe..., I did feel a little cold. But trust me, it's alright." Haruto said, waving his hands around in the air.

"Why did you leave this with me then?" Junkyu asked, trying to make a serious face and silently hoping Haruto's bought it. Truthfully, he was kinda gushing over the affection. But he was feeling awfully guilty for the fact that he made his boyfriend suffer for such a trivial and unworthy reason. It was like a guilty pleasure to him.

"Because! Because.... you're gonna be uncomfortable if you sleep just like that. I was just being a considerate boyfriend and here you are scolding me for being one", Haruto muttered in a pouty voice and pulled out his "puppy eyes". Junkyu chuckled in half disbelief and half adoration. 

"Fine, but next time think about yourself before doing things like this." he said as he threaded a strand of hair that hanging around the taller's forehead around his finger and tuck it behind his ear. He broke out into a grin when Haruto nodded like a child. 

"Now, can we get out of here before we freeze to death?" 

"Ok, hyung. Let's go!" Haruto exclaimed, putting an arm around his boyfriend shoulders, somewhat engulfing him into a side hug as the pair practically skipped out of the library. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02 ⏰

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