What To Look Forward To Now?

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Richie and Eddie arguing was nothing strange. They quarreled about meaningless things alot in the past. Be it who can be in the hammock or about doing dangerous stuff, yet it always felt playful. Like they could sort things out with a laugh. Eddie had always hoped it would be like that, forever, but then came summer vacation.

Eddie and Richie had planned out their whole vacation together. It was different from their plans with the others. They planned to go do some things alone, without the Losers. Eddie had been ecstatic. He lay awake at night, replaying their plans in his head. He couldn't wait. For the first time after Pennywise, he actually started looking forward for something.

It would've been perfect, if Richie hadn't lied. The day before Vacation, Mrs. Tozier called. Eddie had sped down the stairs, grabbing the phone before it rung his mom awake. Instead of one of the Losers voices, which he thought it would be, answered an apologetic sounding Mrs. Tozier.

“Hello, Sonia?” Asked Mrs. Tozier.

Eddie frowned, glancing in the direction of the lounge. The only sound was the TV. His mom was napping.

“Hi. No, it's Eddie.” Eddie cringed at how awkward he sounded.

Mrs. Tozier sounded pleasantly surprised, answering with, “Eddie! Ah, it's nice hearing your voice. How are you?”

Eddie relaxed a bit. “I'm good, and you?”

She chuckled. “I'm well, thank you.”

“That's nice to hea-”

“Has Richard spoken to you today?”

He didn't, Richie didn't speak to Eddie today. It had been the last day of school, so Eddie assumed the scarcity of Richie was because he was rushing to get all the last things done before the end of the day.

“Uh,” Eddie hesitated, “not really.”

Mrs. Tozier's tone had switched, not sounding so light-hearted anymore.

“He hasn't told you about summer camp?” she asked, almost incredulously.

Something in Eddie's gut clawed. He didn't have a good feeling about this. He switched the phone to the other ear, frowning.

“What camp?”

“Oh dear, he really didn't tell you.” Mrs. Tozier sighed. “Richie chose to go to summer camp last week. He'll be leaving at six tomorrow morning.”

Eddie was silent as he listened to her go on.

“I know you two boys planned activities for the vacation for ages now. I was sure he would've told you today. I was surprised as well when i heard his decision to go. So, i wanted to make sure everything was okay with you.”

Eddie didn't feel any emotion at that point other than shock. He gulped.

“When will he be back?”

Mrs. Tozier stayed quiet for a few beats, then replied, “in two weeks.”

“Oh, okay.” he didn't even sound disappointed, he sounded robotic.

“You can come see him off tomorrow morning if you'd like.”

“Thanks, Mrs. Tozier. I'll keep that in mind.” Eddie hang up, placing the phone back.

He just stood there, staring at the phone. It all came crashing down now. Why did Richie lie about going to camp? Why now go to camp?

“Eddie, baby, who called?” Eddie flinched, gazing towards the lounge. Sonia must've woken up.

Eddie digged his fingers into his palm. He tried to sooth out his tone. “No one important, mom.”

“Are you sure?” Eddie could picture her suspiciously narrowing her eyes at the TV.

He stood in the dark hallway.

he made his way into the lounge, walking past his mom to the door.

“Where are you going?” she demanded.


Sonia narrowed her eyes. “You're not going to that bad influence, are you?”

“i just ne-”

She held up a dismissive hand.
“No, then you won't be leaving.”

Eddie gritted his teeth.
“Just let me do what i want!” he shouted.

Sonia stared wide-eyed at her son. Her brain operating over-time.

Eddie chewed on his bottom lip. “I just need to to see someone. Sorry” he said as he opened the door and slipped out.

He quickly grabbed his bike and drove away before his mother could stop him.

He wanted to go to Richie's house, will him into explaining why he lied. He, though, felt drained. Eddie didn't want to argue with Richie. He never really does. It was unfair to him, that Richie didn't tell him the truth. He felt betrayed. How could his best friend lie to him? Eddie felt disappointed. That feeling in his gut worsening. The fun time he was looking forward to, would've never happened.

He felt tired, not physically, but he threw his bike down near a grass field anyway. He sat down, looking at the sun almost setting. Eddie knew he was being over dramatic, but knowing that didn't make it feel any better. He felt the wind blow through his hair. He stared at the grass beneath his feet dancing from the breeze. What should he do now? Eddie sat there quietly for a few minutes. He didn't feel mad, he felt defeated and alone. He didn't feel like yelling at Richie, but he knew he shouldn't let this go. If only-


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2022 ⏰

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"Vacation." - Richie Tozier/Eddie Kaspbrak > ReddieWhere stories live. Discover now