Have you ever thought to yourself why being in love always hurts? I have, and today is my first day of school as a freshman student. I usually don't get all corny and shit but I mean I've seriously had the worst luck with being in love, or at least liking someone. I've either fucked my things up or I'm just to dumb to go ahead and talk to that person. I know I'm not good looking but I'm decent looking, I don't know if my personality is it. It's just so stupid how you have the thought of improving a self trait that you don't even know what to fix. You're physical appearance or your personality, either way you're fucked.
I guess I'm not supposed to say this but I am a terrible fuck up. I don't make my parents proud and I seriously don't take advantage of the fact that I actually have the opportunity and time to become "someone important" in life. I mean for gods sake (sorry god) I don't even know what I'm going to be when I grow up. I'm always arguing about this with my parents and they always seem to end the conversation with the "Just don't do drugs and stay in school" talk. As if I don't already know what not to do. Maybe I should just be an old bearded dude in a band, or maybe a fucking butcher at I don't know foodmax? Fuck that I don't want to work for nobody, I don't want to work with a place full of old depressing fucks who just seem to remind everybody, that they too are going to die. Or I think I'll just drop out of school and do drugs.... nah I'm just kidding, but really though what shall my future faith be?