Chapter 1

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Mirka pushed Lexi along the sidewalk.
"You're so slow!" Mirka complained.
"I never asked to be signed up!" Lexi yelled at her.
"Just be glad that the Blade Breakers and Demolition Boys are having their own 'Boys Day' and crap! We're free to do stuff!" Mirka shouted, shoving Lexi into the Seaside Dome's entrance.
Fueha and Oscuro had already signed up. Fueha sighed.
"Looks like we're not in the same block," she said. "You better not lose!"
"Don't worry about me," Oscuro told her. He looked up to see the two new people entering. "Looks like others have arrived."
"Faster, faster, faster!" Mirka shouted at Lexi, who was now running behind the blonde.
"I'm coming!" Lexi shouted, running far behind Mirka.
"I'll sign us up and you can get your Beyblade ready!"
"Noisy people," Fueha muttered, taking out a cloth and wiping at a spot on her gauntlet.
Lexi slowed down as Mirka sped up and skidded to a halt at the registration table.
"Name or names please. Please tell us your Beyblade and special moves as well on this paper," the woman at the desk said in a monotone voice as she pushed the paper forward.
"Mirka Kyoufu and Lexi Kanyshi..." Mirka's voice got quieter as she wrote their names and blades down. "Done!"
Fueha pulled out her blade and started wiping it a little.
"You seem nervous," Oscuro commented.
"What are you talking about?" Fueha asked him.
"These are the things you usually do when you're nervous," Oscuro told her.
"Lexi is in Block B and you are in Block D miss," the woman responded.
"Thanks!" Mirka exclaimed, turning around at her friend who just entered and flopped down on the ground. Mirka sighed. "Sometimes you're pathetic, Lexi."
After a moment, Fueha said, "I guess I'm nervous because this is the first big tournament I've been in. Well, there was that other one but that ended badly."
"You're a great blader, Fueha," Oscuro assured her. "You need to believe in yourself and Drujikon."
"Believe me," Fueha began, "I do. Together with Drujikon, I will win!"
Mirka helped Lexi up.
"Thanks," Lexi puffed.
Mirka just shrugged and pulled out two cloths to wipe down their beys, tossing one to Lexi.
"Take apart Raaborg and clean it," she said.
"Now you're ready to go," Oscuro said.
"I can't sit still," Fueha complained. "How can you be so calm? It's your first too."
"I don't know," Oscuro told her. "I just am."
Mirka leaned against the wall, taking apart Drilyx and wiping down its parts.
"You done?" Mirka asked, looking over at Lexi, who was sitting on the ground.
"Yeah," she replied. "But I'm nervous."
"And now the world gets to see that Oscuro Batalla is in possession of the dark bit beast Black Dranzer," Fueha muttered.
"You still don't like it, do you?" Oscuro asked.
"Nope," Fueha answered plainly.
"It's not the bit beast, it's the blader," Oscuro told her. "Hasn't Drujikon changed with you?"
"Yeah, but-"
"My point exactly."
Mirka looked up, hearing the intercom buzz then announce, "Can all A Block bladers report to the dish?"
"Well, that's my cue," Fueha said, jumping to her feet and running to the dish.
"Hey Lexi, let's go watch," Mirka said, looking down.
"Sure," Lexi said, getting to her feet and the two ran to the bleachers to watch the battle.
"Welcome folks to the Seaside Dome, where our annual Beyblade tournament is taking place! We're your announcers, Brad Best and AJ Topper!"
Mirka looked at the dish, seeing all the bladers in a circle with their launchers.
"This is gonna be awesome!" she declared.
Oscuro walked in and sat down just as the announcers had begun talking.
"That's right Brad. Tonight, all the bladers in each block will be battling it out in a free for all. Doesn't that sound exciting?"
Fueha took a deep breath in and out.
"Indeed it does, AJ! The winners of each block will go on to the semifinals, and the winners of that move on to the finals! For this battle, we'll be using a standard Beyblade dish to start things up!" Brad shouted excitedly.
After the countdown, Fueha launched her blade.
"Let's get down to business," Fueha said. "I don't want to waste any time. Go Drujikon!"
Drujikon raced forward, clashing with a couple other blades. Easily it knocked them out and moved on to battle others.
"That girl is pretty good," said Lexi.
"You're pretty good yourself," Mirka replied. "But yeah, she is pretty good."
"Looks like Fueha is fired up and off to a good start, AJ," Brad said in a cheerful tone.
"Just a few more to go!" Fueha shouted. "Keep this up, Drujikon!"
Drujikon kept going, crashing into opponent's blades and knocking them out until there was none left.
"Alright!" Fueha exclaimed.
"And Fueha moves on to the semi finals!" Brad exclaimed.
"Looks like Block B will start soon," said Mirka.
"I better get going then!" Lexi shouted, jumping out of her seat and heading down to the bey dish.
Oscuro got up to meet his sister as she came from the bey dish.
"That was pretty good," he told her.
"They're all amateurs," Fueha told him. "I didn't even have to use my bit beast. Hey, the next battle's starting."
Fueha and Oscuro sat down.
"Looks like it's time for the B Block!" AJ announced. "And after that exciting A Block, I can't wait to see this one!"
After the countdown, Lexi launched her blade, Raaborg, who effortlessly circled close to the edge of the stadium.
"Aren't you gonna attack?!" a young blader shouted from across the stadium.
No response.
"Let's gang up on her!" another said. "Go!"
Four Beyblades rushed up at Raaborg, who in turnz evaded their attacks with great speed, causing the attacking Beyblades to hurl themselves out of the stadium.
"Whoah!" went Fueha. "Check out that blade! It's fast!"
"It's even faster than I remember!" Mirka shouted.
"Raaborg, let's finish this off!"
Lexi brought her hand forward, flicking it to the side, Raaborg sped around the edge of the stadium, traveling until it was nothing but a blur of purple, green, and orange, until it vanished completely.
"That bey really is fast," Oscuro said.
"It's faster than yours," Fueha agreed.
"Which is so much faster than yours," Oscuro grinned.
"My blade isn't that slow!" Fueha yelled at him.
"It's moving so fast that the human eye can't track it!" gasped Mirka.
Suddenly one blade flew out of the stadium, then another, soon all the Beyblades landed on the ground. Raaborg reappeared at the bottom of the dish, before flying into Lexi's hand.
"Wow!" Fueha gasped.
"And to think, you have to face that person," Oscuro told her.
"I'm not worried," Fueha told him. "I've got it figured out."
"And Lexi wins the B Block, moving on to the semi finals!" AJ yelled. "And the C Block will begin soon!"
Oscuro got up and moved down to the bey dish.
"Good luck bro!" Fueha shouted after him.
Lexi ran back towards her seat.
"You see that Mirka?" she questioned. "I'm gonna face you in the finals!"
"I dunno, that Fueha kid seems pretty good. BUT DAMN YOU WERE FAST!" Mirka exclaimed.
"Raaborg has good attack and speed, but very poor defense. Gotta make use of that somehow," Lexi said with a shrug.
Oscuro walked down to the bey dish and readied his blade. After the familiar countdown, he launched it.
"Black Dranzer!" he shouted, getting right to business.
Black Dranzer raced towards the opposing blades, knocking them out one by one with ease.
"Black Dranzer? I thought it was destroyed," Mirka mumbled.
"The bit is still intact though, remember?" Lexi asked, glancing at her friend.
"I just wonder how he got a hold of it," Mirka murmured.
"And Oscuro is off to a great start!" Brad shouted over the microphone.
"Keep going!" Oscuro shouted.
Black Dranzer didn't stop, knocking out the last blades with one move each. Oscuro called back Black Dranzer.
"And Oscuro wins the C Block!" AJ yelled. "After the A, B, and C Blocks, I can't wait to see how the D Block will compare!"
Fueha high five Oscuro as he came back up.
"You better win your semi final match," Fueha told him. "Remember when you promised me a battle?"
"I haven't forgotten," Oscuro told her.
"FINALLY IT'S MY TURN!" Mirka screamed at the top of her lungs as she raced down to the dish, almost flying as she skipped five steps at a time.
"Go Mirka!" Lexi shouted with a smile, waving her arms in the air.
Mirka placed Drilyx on her black launcher, waiting for the familiar countdown.
"Last one," Fueha muttered. "Then I get to battle that girl with the super fast blade."
Mirka launched Drilyx, who landed on top of another blade.
"To the right, now left, right again!" Mirka commanded as the Beyblade under her own was thrown off balance and knocked to the side. "Hit the blue one over there!" Mirka shouted as Drilyx raced forward, crashing into a blue blade and sending it flying.
"Hey, check out that person," Fueha said.
Oscuro nodded.
"She has great control of her blade," he said.
Another blade crashed into Drilyx, pushing it to the edge. Mirka looked at the blader, a serious expression on her face.
"Eh, so that's the way it's gonna be then," she said. "Go Drilyx!"
Drilyx turned around and began to push the other Beyblade out of the dish, becoming successful.
"Drilyx's RC Flat Tip and base can cause it to change its direction with ease," Lexi commented. "It's actually very impressive for the Drilyx F Attack Ring."
"Hey, Oscuro you better watch closely," Fueha advised her brother.
"Believe me, I am," Oscuro told her.
"This is getting boring," Mirka said, crossing her arms, her eyes darting back and forth as Drilyx shot towards the other Beyblades, knocking them away with ease. Soon enough, there was only one Beyblade left, one who had managed to evade all of Drilyx's attacks. "You're annoying," she commented.
"This is exciting," Fueha said.
"Remember that your battle against that Lexi girl is next," Oscuro reminded her.
"Yeah yeah I know," Fueha said. "Now shush. I'm trying to watch."
The blader of the remaining blade arched an eyebrow, the blader was a girl.
"Not so tough huh?" she commented.
Mirka gritted her teeth in annoyance.
"I'll show you tough," she snarled. "Drilyx, howl!"
Drilyx charged forward.
"Pointless," muttered the opponent.
"Shuddap!" Mirka screamed.
Drilyx continued to charge before swerving around to the other side of the opposing blade, smashing into it as it tried to evade each attack.
"It looks like a cat playing with the dead body of a mouse!" commented Brad.
"This is so exciting to watch!" Fueha exclaimed. "I can't wait till my battle!"
"Whichever of these two wins, my semi final match is sure to be a grand one," Oscuro said. "I can feel Black Dranzer's excitement."
"No way!" shouted the blader.
"Drilyx, it's time to stop playing with your prey," said Mirka. "Let her next attack drop."
Drilyx went to the center of the stadium as the other blade came crashing down in a sleep out.
"And Mirka takes the D Block by storm!" shouted Brad. "What an amazing turn of events, huh AJ?"
"Sure is Brad," AJ agreed. "And Mirka makes her way into the semi finals. Our next match is Fueha versus Lexi."

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