Chapter Three - The discovery

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It has almost been half a year since Serena and Edward have been dating. Everything was perfect. Everyone in Forks knew they were inseparable, where one went the other followed. This was Edward's habit which Serena learned to tolerate, he called it 'protection' but she knew it was him being clingy.

Even though they had spent an enormous amount of time together it felt like Serena didn't know Edward at all, it was as if there was an invisible barrier keeping them apart. She wanted to break that barrier but she didn't know how. This did annoy Serena a little but she decided to give Edward time as she knew he wasn't like other people. He was different and she accepted that as well as his many unusual behaviours. For instance when the days would become nice and sunny he would never be seen or how he would not eat anything which made her feel greedy at times. She knew something was up but just didn't know what. That was until...

Serena had decided to visit the bookstore downtown and just happened to come across a book about mythical creatures and what stood out to her was the section on vampires. And then it clicked "Oh shit, is Edward a vampire? He doesn't eat food nor step out when it's sunny, could it be..? Wait, no, maybe he's just depressed, yeh that seems likely. Serena didn't want to stand around and do nothing so she went to meet up with Edward. "Edward you didn't have to hide it from me I know what you are..."

"What do mean by that?" said Edward with a confused look on his face.

"Your ice cold, you never eat or drink anything, you don't go out in the sunlight..." as Serena was speaking Edward was walking closer to Serena.

"Your.." Serena could feel her throat tighten.

"Say it," said Edward with a stern look on his face.

"Your.. your depressed," said Serena with a sad look on her face. Edwards eyes went wide open, he was caught off guard. He tried to control it but he bursted out in laughter. He was gripping on to his stomach in pain. He did not expect anything like that.

"I can't blame you for thinking that but no," said Edward as he was composing himself.

"Oh thank goodness." said Serena, a feeling of relief filled her body as she went to Edward and hugged him tightly.

"Careful, you might crush me" snickered Edward.

"Oh stop it," said Serena as she lightly hit Edward. But then Edward's expression slowly dropped, he appeared more serious. He grabbed Serena and set her down on the bench beside them. Serena could tell something was off.

Edward cleared his throat "There is something that I do need to tell you and I've been keeping it from you for a while."

Serena started to feel her heart beat faster. "What is it Edward?"

Edward had his face down and slowly started to speak "I didn't know how to tell you, I just didn't want to scare you away because I like you a lot and didn't want to ruin what we had, but I don't want to keep you in the dark you deserve that much..I'm a vampire." Edward felt a massive weight lift off his shoulder but when he looked up at Serena he was surprised. He expected Serena to look scared or just shocked but it was far from that, she appeared to be happy.

Serena did not expect that but when she thought about it, it all made sense. He never ate, he was the strongest out of everyone and he was ice cold. She wasn't happy because she finally found out what was 'different' about him but she was happy because of the fact that he chose to open up to her even though he didn't have to, she felt closer than ever to Edward.

The way Serena looked at Edward made him feel so reassured, he knew he did the right thing. He went from hiding so much to wanting to tell her everything the very second and so, he did. He began to talk about his habits, how he doesn't sleep and how he wasn't like other vampires, he drank animal blood which causes his eyes to turn amber and how his eyes turn black when he doesn't feed for some time. He then talked about his family and how they were the same as him, this didn't surprise Serena as they all gave off the same mysterious energy as him. But what did surprise Serena was Edward's special ability, he had the gift of telepathy and could read the thoughts of anyone but what surprised her the most was the fact that he could not read her mind at times, it was as if he could only see what she wanted him to see. It was like her mind was shielding herself against his ability. Serena found this quite odd. She then found out the abilities of his family, Alice could see into the future, Jasper can feel and manipulate emotions but not everyone gained special abilities like the rest of his family. Serena listened intently as Edward filled her in on everything, it was a lot to take in but she was happy he let her know. Edward then cupped her face and looked into Serena's eyes and said "You know I would never hurt you, I will do everything in my power to keep you safe."

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