Chapter 1

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He darted through the vents, searching for any living thing he may find to feed on.
There was a faint noise near the factory equipment. He dashed over there rapidly.
"Is that a human I smelllllll~" he rolled out in a lush tone.
"Is that fear I sense??"
He revealed himself to the sniffling girl in the corner near a conveyer belt.
"Why are you crying new friend? I'm nothing to be feAred!!"
The girl shook her head frantically.
"No, it just doesn't make sense....I - I killed myself. Where the hell am I? Why am I still alive??? Why am I here??? What is this place???"
The 10 foot tall blue sock monkey tilted its head at her.
There was a long pause.
"That ....woulllld. Make some sense. Tell me. Have you heard of the ... bAck roomss??"
There was a moment of painful, eerie silence.
"God.......please don't tell me that's where I am..."
The hostile creature chuckled darkly.
"Well nooo. But I can certainly....make that happen."
He put a hand to her cheek, caressing it mockingly.
He chuckled again.
"I think I'm gonna keep you. You're nice....very....nice."

The girl wiped her tears with a trembling arm. "...nice?..." she questioned. "I wouldn't say that."
Huggy brought his face closer to hers.
"Mmmm...and why's that friend??"
She just shook her head slightly, looking to the cold pavement of the complex.
"What's your name, friend?" He tried changing the subject for her, reaching a hand out to help her off the ground, she hesitantly grabbed it and Huggy pulled her up. " (y/n)....yours?"
Huggy led her to his room. (Y/n) curiously looked around, eventually discovering his name plaque.
" HUGGY WUGGY (1984). Playtime Co. has designed hundreds of distinct toys, but none connected with people more than that of Huggy Wuggy." She read to herself quietly, " Our founder Elliot Ludwig, aimed to create a toy which could ....hug you....forever?..."
She looked over to Huggy, eyes widened. " can hug me...forever? You don't leave??" A glimmer of hope distilled in her (e/c) eyes. " Everyone else just ends up leaving."
A mentally Ill teenager meets a deranged kids toy! There's no better match than that, huh?
"It is in my makinggggg, yes. There'd be no better candidate than you, friend!"
He quickly inched closer to her, only to be interrupted by a toy hammer being thrown at his head. Huggy slowly blinked, processing the situation.
"Sorry, sorry!!" (Y/n) waved her arms rapidly in defense, " I- I haven't received affection...for a really long time. It's just a bit..."
"Are you...AfRAid of ME?? " the sock monkey intervened, cutting her off mid sentence.
"No! No!- I'm just- you're just - so tall - and- it's just- I - don't -"
Catching her off guard he swiftly wraps his arms around her, keeping her nice and snug in his embrace. She wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. "No need to fEAr me....(y/NnNn)..." he hushed. He bought his mouth close to her. " I won't BiTtTeeee..." he whispered darkly into her ear, sending chills up her spine. He started to lightly nibble on her neck.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2022 ⏰

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