Not my face.

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I was around 6 at the time, but I still remember everything in perfect details, and somehow my parents still don't believe me when I tell them.

      It was night and my parents had just put me to bed. "Goodnight" Mom said. "Night" Dad said and closed the door. I was too scared to go to sleep, so as soon as I heard my parents go into their room, I got my iPad and started watching YouTube. I somehow lost track of time and all of the sudden, it was 3:00 a.m. Now me being a 6 year old and loving scary videos I knew that 3:00 a.m was not a good time to be awake. 30 minutes pass and I have to go to the bathroom, but I was scared. I grabbed my favorite stuffed animal and run to the bathroom. When I'm done I washed my hands and that's when I noticed it, looking in the mirror, was a girl with long black hair, pale skin, white dress with red blood stains, but the creepiest part of all, her smile. It went from ear to ear, and there was skin and blood in her grey teeth. I screamed, and woke up my parents, I was crying and telling them about what I saw. But when I tried to show them, it was gone. "Go back to sleep, it was probably your imagination or something." Mom said. "But I know what I saw mommy you have to believe me!" I yell "Bed now!" Dad said. I sigh and go to bed. But to this day I will never go to the bathroom at night.

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