Chapter 1-1 : The Study Deal

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It was almost time for school to be over for the day and I was almost finishing the assignment

Teacher : and that's all for today, make sure you homework is turned in tomorrow

Students : yes ma'am

As the students started getting up and leaving the classroom you proceeded to get up and leave as well

Teacher : Y/N, can I see you for a moment

Y/N : um, ok

As you sit on the chair next to the teachers desk

Teacher : Y/N, you know your smartest student in our class

Y/N : yes

Teacher : and you make the highest grades besides the other students with the lowest ones, and you tutored other students before, so if you don't mind if you tutor someone

Y/N : again

Teacher : yes

Y/N : ( sigh ) who is it This time

Teacher : well, where is it, oh here it is, a girl named, Usagi Tsukino

You blushed brightly as you heard the name of the girl you secretly liked

Y/N ( blushing ) : U-Usagi T-Tsukino

Teacher : yeah, she's been failing her grades and I ask her if she wanted you to tutor her and she said you might be able to help her since your one of the brightest students

As you were blushing a little as you got up from the chair

Y/N : ( sigh ) fine, I'll help her

Teacher : great, got to go, Usagi will be outside waiting for you

Y/N : ok

As you exit the classroom and went downstairs and out the exit to wait for her to show, after a few minutes

??? : Y/N

Y/N : huh

As you saw your childhood friend Usagi was running towards you

As you saw usagi was wearing her school uniform with blue and white, along with a big red bow tie, her hair was yellow and she has two long pigtails and two small ones on each side of her head, she also has some sort of gold circle on her bow tie ...

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As you saw usagi was wearing her school uniform with blue and white, along with a big red bow tie, her hair was yellow and she has two long pigtails and two small ones on each side of her head, she also has some sort of gold circle on her bow tie with four different circles on each side

Usagi : Y/N, what are you doing here, you always got home first before me

Y/N : yeah, but the teacher asked me to be your tutor

As usagi was shocked to hear that her childhood friend is her tutor

Usagi : you, my tutor

Y/N : yes, is something wrong

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