Chapter 11

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(Their might be a little bit of Star Wars in the next few chapters just as an FYI and they are all in mixed up time lines.)

Ichi POV
It feels like I have been carrying queen Ghidorah through this cave. God is their an end to this cave!? As to what has almost felt like forever I saw a light at the end of the cave! Yes!! Finally freedom!!!! I started running towards the light when I heard a roar from the other side. It looked to be a pack of skullcralers and their were too many for me to fight. I knew that Queen Ghidorah was fast asleep and that she couldn't fight, even if I tried to wake her up. So I had to sit their and wait for the skullcrawlers to leave. I sit down on the floor with Queen Ghidorah in my arms...........God this was interesting.

A few months later on titania...(Time is 100 times faster than it is on earth, 1 hour on earth is 1 month on Titania.)

Mini POV
I'm frustrated because I have not been able to track Ghidorah and Queen Ghidorah which is a problem. Just then I hear someone walk in the room and it was Zillette. "Did you find anything yet Mini?" Said Zillette. "No not yet but I'm worried now because I can't find them anywhere" "what's the next step then?" She asked me. No I didn't want to call that code but.....what choice do I have. I grabbed my walkie-talkie and said "Commander,code 7" "Are you sure you want to do that,Mini?" "Yes,commander" I said to him. I hurriedly walked out the room and with Zillette following me. "Zillette I think it would be best if you went back to your room,ok?" I said to her. She nodded and went to her room. Oh shoot! I need to talk to the boys immediately. "Godzilla,Rodan, kong and Anguirus come to the meeting room immediately" I said into the mic with went to their speakers in their rooms.

Moments later they all showed up to the meeting room and were confused beyond belief. "So why did you need to see us?" Asked Godzilla "Yea why?" Said Angurius. "Are we in danger? Asked Rodan. "No it's that.... Someone will be arriving soon at the base to help us look for king Ghidorah and Queen Ghidorah and it is someone from space and he is from the empire." I said to them. They all looked confused so I showed them a hologram of the person we're were expecting. "Who is that?" Asked kong. "That is darth Vader and he is someone who has better technology than we do to find your friends. They will only be staying for an hour then they will leave. I would most likely advise you to stay in your rooms with the girls until this is over. Lock the doors and keep the lights off,ok?" I said to them. "Now one more thing before you boys go Vader is also bringing his grandson kylo ten and let me tell you......HE IS DANGEROUS. The reason is because sites have an ability called the force and it allows them to move objects,trick the weak minded, and........" "and what?" Said Godzilla. " The force choke which is strong enough to kill someone and they have red light sabers which can cut through anything, got all that?" I said to them. Then they immediately left the room and went to go tell the girls everything that I told them.

Moments later....

"Mini,Vader is here" a commander said to me ."I rushed down to the landing pad and their I saw Vader's personal shuttle. They landed in the landing pad and all the commanders and soldiers were their to greet him. Just then the shuttle door open and I saw lord Vader him self with kylo ren who was wearing his mask exit the shuttle landing zone.

"Mini" He said in his dark voice as he walked toward me. "Lord Vader I wasn't expecting you this soon." I said as we walked out of the landing center and into a meeting room just the three of us. "What was the reason you called code 7,Mini?" Said Vader. "Monster zero and Queen zero have gone missing and we need to find them before technav finds them." I said to Vader. I didn't tell kylo directly even though he was sitting there. "Monster zero? You mean King Ghidorah, the one who almost destroyed planet earth?" He asked me. "Yea why?" He reached into his pocket and took out a hologram message. "Look everywhere I want the whole planet searched until those two are found. They are the key to the next big thing" and that was the end of the hologram. "Where did you find this?" I asked him. "One of the troopers found it on earth and gave it to me."Said Vader. "What could be this 'Next big thing' they have planned?" Said Vader. "I'm not sure but I might know some friends who do" I said to him. Oh boy I didn't want to ask the boy to come here but I need them to talk. "Hold on" I said to the both of them. "All titans please meet in meeting room 3 for an important talk please" I said into the speaker for them to hear.

In a few moments I could here walk in the hallway and they all entered the room and took a seat. "Welcome titans, this is lord Vader and his grandson Kylo ren" I said to them. Vader and kylo ren didn't want to say anything to get them upset. "We've heard a lot about you too" Godzilla said to them marking them look a little scared. "I'm Godzilla,king of the monsters and that's Rodan,Anguius and the monkey is Kong" he said and kong looked a little mad when he said that. "I'm an ape you idiot!" Kong said to Godzilla.

Godzilla didn't care at all and wanted to talk about more important things. "I might have an idea of why they are after them" said Godzilla to everyone. "You see Ghidorah is well....different from the rest of us. He is almost invincible because when I cut of his head in 2019 it grew back which is something that we kaiju can't do. I don't want to believe what they might do to them but I fear the worse." Godzilla said to us. "What are they planing to do with them?" Said Vader.


"Godzilla?" I said to him.

To turn them into their own creation.....
Hey guys so your probably asking why I added Star Wars and the reason is because I thought it would be cool to have Star Wars here in the story with the titans and see what their journey brings.

I had to finish this chapter up quickly because I'm actually going to Disney world on the 23 of July (in case you guys read this days later) so I might not have time to write the next chapter but I will try. I hope you enjoyed and comment your favorite parts of this chapter. Anyway see you guys next time, bye😊👋

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