Homewrecker; John Laurens.

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John Laurens is the boy you'd run into at the local supermart wearing a white, soft faux fur coat, with pink hearts scattered across it and heartshaped red sunglasses..

Everytime you see him, his cart would always be filled with champagne, precut pineapples, strawberries, whipped cream, original sunchips, and more of his favorite foods/snacks.
He always has a small heart drawn on. both his cheeks/under his minty green eyes, his lips were always tinted a soft cherry shade, his freckled cheeks having a natural rosy blush.

However, there was more to this boy than what meets the eye.
He had many insecurities, despite having a small ribcage, flat stomach, tiny arms and legs; basically the perfect hourglass figure, John was still insecure about his body.
He was insecure about his tooth gap too. He always wanted to close it, but never got around to it.

If you were to look at him for a second longer, you'd look eyes and see his minty green eyes were always glazed with hints of sadness and exhaustion.

Just like there was a "Pretty List" there was also a "Status List", but it wasn't something the whole world voted it, it was only something this small town in New York voted on.

John Laurens was deemed the homewrecker.

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