Chapter one ( The beginning)

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This is a story of about a twelve year old girl living with her mother and her pet cats. The twelve year old girl's name was Hazelnut, we will be calling her Hazel sometimes. Hazelnut wasn't like the other kids, ( get ready for a cringe part)  Hazelnut grew up fast then the others. Hazel wanted to go and explore the woods out back in her yard across a small creek the had crayfish, snakes, spiders, and minnows. Her mother who is named Pumpkin, was afraid of the woods she wants to keep her daughter safe form the dangers. Right now her and her mother are in there Living room, Hazel was staring outside of the glass through the wooden white door looks out to the porch with cats, kittens, and a blanket for them. Hazelnut thought about going on dirt roads to see the wild life. "Hey mom?" She said looking at her mother who was on the couch writing on paper with books around her. "Do you think we can go on dirt roads today?" Her mother respond with looking up at her and keeping her eyes on the paper that she was writing on. "Maybe tomorrow." Hazelnut looked back outside to see the kittens playing with the moms tail. "May I go outside to feed the cats?" Hazel's Mother looked up to her for a second then looking at the book and opening it. "Sure." Her mother said while looking at the book and back at the paper to write something down. "Are you alright mom?" Hazel said in a little worried tone, her mother who was still writing down stuff replied with "Mhm." Hazel looked at her mother with a worried face "Did you take your pills mom?" Her mother looked up at her and gently smiled while saying "Not yet, but thank you for remaining me." Hazelnut decided she should feed the cats now to make her feel better. Hazel walked towards the kitchen where the bag of cat food was, she grabbed the food scooper that was near the kitten formula and bottles, she put the food scooper in the bag of cat food. She took it out it had a little bit of a hill since it was over but she didn't mind because she knew that the cats will eat all of it. She walked out of the kitchen towards the front door she opened it. "I'll take my inhaler when I come back in." She said walking out before her mother can respond. The kittens ran away from the mother while the mother walked up to her meowing and walking between her legs. "Why hello there babies." She said in a high tone petting the grey and white cat named Smile. She poured out the cat food near the kittens who looked like each other except you can tell the about by the face and the legs, Sebastian ran up to eat the food while Lola waited until Hazel will leave. Hazelnut put down the scooper and picked up Smile. "So no other cats or kittens?" She said while holding her and petting her. Smiles started to put softly and licked Hazel's finger. "Hey Hazel!" Someone yelled. It was her friend named Ash, despite living next to each other and Ash only have one arm the both still are friends, after all Ash is a pretty fun kid to be around. "Oh, hey Ash!" She yelled back still petting Smile. "Do you think that your mother can take me to the family reunion tomorrow?" Ash yelled while smiling. "I'll ask her later." She yelled back but this time covering Smile's ear. "Ok thanks." Yelled Ash as she walked back to her house. She uncovered Smile's ears "Sorry for covering your ears, I'm lucky that you didn't decided to bite me." She said while walking out back while still holding her. She stopped at the edge of the creek on a big rock "So pretty." Hazel said while looking at the trees then a meowed came from Smile. She putted Smile down, and sat on the rock with her feet on a other rock. "I wonder what's going on with the animals in the woods." She said while touching the grass behind her. Then she heard a loud scream that sounded like a human but to high pitched to be a human she froze in spot. "Got you!" Yelled someone touching only one of her shoulders, Hazel turned her head quick to see who the person was. It was Ash who was wearing a hand made flower crown. "Why would you scare me like that, I thought you walked in your house!?" Ash looked at her confused. "No need to yell my dear Hazel." Ash and Hazelnut looked behind them. A tall man wearing a dark blue button down suit with a pastel pink tie with a button that had a leaf on it, The man's hair was a brown like Hazel's but much lighter then here but it also had a hint on strawberry blonde like Ash's hair, His eyes were like mint chocolate chip cookies and his skin looked soft, his pants like the night sky and his shoes blacker than the shadows at night. 
(I'm lazy so right now it's going to end here)

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