falling too fast to prepare for this

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"You've given me a lot of bad news in one go, my lady," Druig said, his arms crossed. He stood in front of you, as if shielding you from the others. You were glad for it, the man you had seen in his vision, the man killing Druig was standing not 10 feet from you. You could feel all their eyes on you but you ignored it, the terrible words they had brought crashing over you.

"Yeah well the general consensus is we don't want the world to end," Kingo stated. "Where would you say you land on this issue?"

"Will you help us?" Sersei asked.

"I am glad that..." he was cut off as Sersei's phone went off, Juice by Lizzo ringing through the small chapel. You couldn't help but smile at her ringtone choice.

"Hey what's your service?" Kingo asked as she silenced her phone. "I'm not getting any bars."

"Druig, we need you," Sersei said, ignoring Kingo.

Druig was silent for a moment. You saw his body tense and put your hand on his back, trying to calm him. You felt him relax at your touch. "Do you remember this forest? It was the last place we all lived together. It was the place I lost everything. For 20 generations I have protected these people from the outside world and from themselves. And now, it is the place that brought everything back to me."

"This is more important than your little pet," Ikaris growled.

"Pet?" You spoke before Druig could, stepping out from behind him. "Do I look like I crawl around on all fours? How dare you?"

Druig grabbed your arm, pulling you back to his side before you could attack him further. A small smirk came to his face. "Do I detect jealousy, Ikaris? I have noticed how much distance stands between you and Sersei. What happened? Did she finally decide the stick up your ass was too deep?"

Ikaris glowered at him as he took a step forward, his eyes lighting up. But Sersei stood, stepping in front of him. Slowly, his eyes returned to normal. "Stop. We don't have time for this right now," she told Ikaris before turning to Druig. "Druig, this is serious."

"I'll tell you what's serious," he said. "I've just been told I've been sent on a suicide mission for the past 7,000 years, and that my entire existence is a lie. I have lost her time and time again. I have had my heart broken so many times as I held her dying form in my arms. And you're here to tell me it wasn't even real. It was all for nothing. So, excuse me for not giving a shit about your plan right now."

"Druig," you whispered, your heart breaking for him. You knew his world had just exploded. Everything he knew was a lie. Everything he had done, everything he had been through, he believed now it was all for nothing. But it didn't feel that way to you.

"No," he said back as he stormed out. The others looked at you as you sighed, watching his retreating form.

"Druig sucks," Kingo said. "I mean don't get me wrong, Y/N I'm happy you found your bae again. But damn, I forgot how much he sucks."

You rolled your eyes before looking at Sersei. "Give me a minute."

You followed him out. You ran after him as he walked deeper in the forest. You knew where he was heading instinctively. He would seek the solace of the waterfall. You knew what it meant to him, what it meant to both of you.

"Druig," you said quietly.

He tensed for a moment before turning, his eyes meeting yours. "My beautiful Y/N," he greeted you. "Come to change my mind?"

"I don't think I need to change it," you said, putting your hand on his cheek. "I think you already know what is right."

He closed his eyes and leaned into your touch. "Everything was a lie," he said quietly.

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