Naruko uzumaki

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Having defeated the demon, the brave shinobi died.

That shinobi was the fourth hokage, the fire shadow, the champion of the hidden leaves.

A gentle breeze blew through the hidden leaf making two blond tiny pigtails sway softly. Dangling from rope's on a mountainside a grin bearing petite girl giggled to herself. "This Is So Cool!" wiping some black paint on her already black baggy tank top she grinned at her biggest prank ever. Am right kacchan-kun "definitely babe" said bakugou use his explosions to repel him while on his back they share a kiss


Sighing the hokage turned away from his now ruined scroll to the panicking shinobi. "Yes? What is it some new outrage by Naruko I presume?" the ninja nodded furiously "She's defacing the mountain side images of all the heroes of our village your honoured predecessors!" "IN PAINT!" another shinobi pressed both wearing furious and bewildered looks. With a final huff he placed his hat on his balding head and turned to the door muttering about getting a lock before closing it behind him.

"Enough with the stupid pranks!" an angry spectator yelled in anger. "Grow the heck up Naruko!" "Your in so much trouble when they catch you! You know that!" "Your a little trouble maker!" the crowd yelled trying to scold but to Naruko it all became one big hum. Grinning to herself she swung around splashing paint as she did this.

"WANNA-BE'S SHUT UP" looking down at the crowd with an evil grin she laughed. "None of you have what it takes to do something this low! I rule and you drool!" "Yeah stupid extras" bakugou said as he pick up Naruko bridal style

The hokage walked into the crowd and at Naruko's last comment he frowned up at the blond haired girl. "How dare you? Who do you think you are?" people around him hushed and whispered some smiled knowing that Naruko would get in trouble.

Appearing in a puff of smoke Iruka was gritting his teeth in annoyance. "Lord hokage.. I can't apologize enough..." Iruka drew in a long breath as the hokage squinted his old eyes at the new arrival. "Oh Iruka is that you?"

As Naruko was putting the finishing touches on her master piece the air was quiet and the air around her rumbled. "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING YOU DITZ? GET DOWN FROM THERE AND GET BACK TO CLASS!" The aftershock of the yell made her jump also making the rope she was hanging from bounce. The paint in her hand sloshed and splat everything around her. "Master Iruka! We're screwed!" Turning around her hand accidentally let go of the paint can whizzing towards the group below. She watched with a stifled laugh as it landed on Iruka's head that was now red head to toe in anger and paint "YOU DITZ!"

Tied up, Naruko and bakugou sat at the front of the class for all her classmates to see. Narrowing her eyes she snorted in anger at her teacher and at the bored looking students who either snickered or looked at her in irritation. She looked away from her snarling teacher in a final defiance. Getting fed up Iruka pointed down at her an angry red tick appearing on his temple. "Tomorrow all your classmates will pass the final and graduate from the ninja academy, But the last two times this day came around, you flunked every course you'd taken in the secret arts!" stopping to catch his breath and glare even deeper he continued. "And You Chose Now For Your Stupid Tricks? You Ditz!" Huffing in annoyance she rolled her eyes at her overly dramatic teacher "Whatever". Iruka turned around at his other students surprising some of them out of their sits from his snapped expression. "TODAY IN CLASS WE'LL BE REVIEWING THE ART OF TRANSFORMATION" "WHAT?" all of his students said in unison even the tied up Naruko who was banging her feet on the ground in an almost tantrum. "All you have to do is conjure a form that looks like me!"

Naruko stood in line waiting for her turn, hands in her baggy orange jacket that hung off her shoulders lazily the collar up hiding the side of her chin. "Next up is Uzumaki" Iruka called making her look up with a frown. "Why can't you act like a normal girl?" someone said from behind her making her growl low in her throat. "Yeah, yeah, yeah!" she dragged her feet as she made her way towards Iruka eyes on the ground. "Act like a girl huh?" She thought as a mischievous smile shown on her tanned features. "Well here goes nothing..." she touched the goggles on her head before they clapped in front of her in a hand sign."CHANGE!"

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