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Author's note: I don't own Fate/stay night or High School DXD

This is the first time that I have written anything and I really want to stick with this story till the end. So please do give me any tips you have and any kind of criticism is welcome. I wanted to make sure the lore is followed as much as possible so the hardcore fan won't chew my head out.

I find Heaven's feel Shirou to be quite a perfect candidate to have the booster gear. I mean he has red hair, a weird left arm, and a bit of draconic in his body due to Avalon(I think) and a cool ass chant when he uses his ultimate ability. So I never understand why people haven't explored this yet. So here I am. An amateur through and through. Trying his best to bring this out. Hope you enjoy it!


Zelrech was standing in his own space, looking down at the wretched-looking (ex) hero of justice, who had set his ideal aside and prioritized the happiness of his loved one. Zelrecht had to admit, throughout the parallel worlds he had been through. This was the first time he had seen Emiya Shirou abandon his ideal like this. The existence known as Emiya Shirou can not live or found anything fulfilled in his life other than saving people's life. The very thought of saying Emiya Shirou betrayed his ideal was preposterous. It was the same as saying Gilgamesh was humble, which was impossible if his travel throughout the multiverse was anything to go by. And yet here it was, happening right in front of him.

The reason why he was standing there watching, was to make sure that things didn't get out of hand. If you thought the holy artifact that was supposed to grant wishes turned out to be a cursed artifact about to unleash all the world's evil into the world getting out of hand then you wouldn't be wrong. But to Zelrech, until that situation really happen, then he would just sit back, relax, and enjoy the show. And now seeing the end of it and the dying boy. He felt a bit guilty.

After all, he was the one who created the system in the first place. Yeah, he did have help from the Einzbern, which provided the core for the Greater Grail to manifest. The Makiri with their command seals and the Tohsaka with their land. But the rest of it was his work and for some twisted reasoning. Throughout the multiverse, almost every single one of them was corrupted by the servant Avenger that was summoned in the Third Holy Grail War by the Einzbern.

It had made his relationship, connection, etc... with the Einzbern family became none existence. It pissed him off quite a bit when one of his most proud creation got tampered with continuously throughout the multiverse by the greed of the Einzbern. He was almost tempted to eradicate them from existence if not for one sole reason. The birthed of Emiya Shirou.

Undoubtedly his most-watched human throughout his parallel world travel. The drama, the fighting, the struggle. Oh! How he loved every part of it. He was such a great source of entertainment that each Shirou that he had seen, though ended the Holy Grail War in different ways, would always come out and strive to be a hero of justice, one way or another. Simple-minded but he enjoyed all of them nonetheless. But it got quite boring when he saw all of them go down the same path. In the end, most of them made the deal with Alaya and became a Counter Guardian. Some died on a battlefield fighting Dead Apostles or the likes. Very few lived to old age with a family. He was almost done with observing the existence known as Emiya Shirou until he came across this world he dubbed Heaven's feel.

In this world, not only did Emiya Shirou got the seal of approval from Archer(his alternate future-self that wanted to kill him in order to create a strong enough paradox, so that he can erase his own existence), and got a spiritual arm implanted. He also gave up on his ideal and risked the end of the world. Just so he can have a small chance of saving his one and only love, Sakura. And the sword-filled head idiot actually pulled it off and save the world along with it, at the cost of his life.

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