Chapter 1

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The night was peaceful. No honking cars, no neighbouring aunties screaming at their kids to study, no drunk individuals singing Bollywood songs like they had no care in the world. The bustling and robust city was asleep, and everything was strangely quiet.

Ayesha could almost feel the wind on her face, but then, spirits don't exactly feel things like that.

She stood on the rooftop, wondering if she should drag her human-self up here sometimes. Enjoy the cool nighttime wind once in a while.

But the charm was long gone. She no longer romanticized night skies and rooftops, which was once her ideal venue for a date. Now, it was just an everyday thing. More like every night.

As her human body snored softly in her tiny bedroom, Ayesha's spirit was stuck in middleworld or hell or whatever is that they called the spiritual realm. Every time she closed her eyes to sleep, they would open up the very next second. Only now, she found herself devoid of her physical form. It was like something pushed her spirit out of her body the moment she fell into slumber.

It was fun at first, she wouldn't lie. Being able to wander around at night without anyone seeing her. She could sneak into places and walk around lonely streets without any fear. But not being able to touch or feel material things can only be fun for so long.

She sighed. Between battling college during the day and spiritual awakening at night, Ayesha felt perpetually drained of every ounce of energy in her body. She could never sleep because her spirit was always awake. Oh, how she wished all this would end.

It made her think about how it all started in the first place. She didn't have a damn clue. Her spirit had been doing this ever since she could remember. As a young girl, she thought this was something everyone could do. That it was normal. Until she learned it the hard way that it wasn't.

Maybe telling a chatterbox of a classmate about how she could get out of her body at night and become invisible to everyone wasn't her brightest idea. The entire class called her a freak for weeks. They either thought that she was stupid or were too scared to be friends with her. Childhood had been pretty lonely like that.

So Ayesha hid her secret from everyone. No one knew. Not her parents, not the few friends she made along the way, no one. They would call her weird and wouldn't understand any of it. Somewhere, deep inside, she wasn't ready to accept the truth too. That she was weird. A freak.

From her hindsight, Ayesha felt something move. She turned around immediately, greeted with the sight of same old messy terrace. Making sure that no one was around, she returned to watching the empty streets and the endless cityscapes.

Suddenly, someone started banging the rooftop door, and Ayesha jumped, startled by noise.

The horror movies I watched last night are not helping. She thought.

Cautiously, she moved towards the door, looking out for any movements or sounds.

Bang. Bang.

If Ayesha could run away, she would. She crossed her fingers and started chanting the Hanuman Chalisa, hoping it was not another spirit. It was quite ironic considering her current state, but her nani's TV shows were starting to grow on her.

The door flung open and was almost immediately slammed shut by someone. The sounds of them moaning filled the air.

"Just get the damn button!" A very feminine but desperate voice caught her attention.

Squinting her eyes in the darkness, she realised that it wasn't one, but two people. In an extremely heated make out session. She grimaced.

They passed right through her, their senses completely clouded by lust. Not that they could see her, otherwise.

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